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Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine
Posted by: ljbk May,11.2013-00:22 

Hi !

Well here it is ... the BPM build: version 13.

Meanwhile, another error was found in the base code: if Sample Offset (9xy) is used and the xy leads to an offset after the end of the sample only the nlength was set to 1 and nstart was not updated still pointing to the normal sample start so the result was not ok.

Just for the record, the source is now almost 10000 lines long and twice the code size of the original.

Some details about the BPM implementation. It not 100% accurate as if the mod was played on Amiga but is as close as the Lance base strategy allows it.
As LCM is used to control part of the volume, up to 3 LCM, left and right, volume updates can occur per VBL, so timer C interrupts are used to change the volume if necessary at the appropriate time.
BPM values above 125 lead to higher CPU load than no BPM replay because the Protracker handler is called in average more than 1 time per VBL.
As a general fact, the BPM implementation slows down the replay. So an auto-detection mechanism is implemented like for volume control to detect if BPM is used or not.
You can also force the code not to use BPM.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Lance's 50khz playroutine Bod/STAX Feb,18.2013-17:35
  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine gwEm Feb,18.2013-20:42
  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ggn Feb,18.2013-20:53
    Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Bod/STAX Feb,18.2013-21:28
      Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine gwEm Feb,18.2013-23:05
        Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine gwEm Feb,18.2013-23:16
          Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine gwEm Feb,19.2013-02:21
            Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Bod/STAX Feb,22.2013-17:08
              Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine gwEm Feb,25.2013-20:36
                Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,25.2013-23:54
                  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Bod/STAX Feb,26.2013-11:23
                    Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine evil Feb,26.2013-12:04
                      Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,26.2013-14:45
                        Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,26.2013-21:46
                          Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine evil Feb,27.2013-17:01
                            Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,28.2013-13:24
                              Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,28.2013-13:28
                                Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine gwEm Feb,28.2013-14:07
                                  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Bod/STAX Feb,28.2013-21:41
                                    Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,28.2013-22:42
                                      Sem assunto ljbk Mar,01.2013-13:27
                                        Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,01.2013-15:49
                                          Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,01.2013-17:34
                                            Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,01.2013-17:36
                                              Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine evil Mar,01.2013-19:03
                                                Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,02.2013-00:18
                                                  Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,04.2013-17:39
                                                    Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,06.2013-02:21
                                                      Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine gwEm Mar,06.2013-13:23
                                                        Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,06.2013-15:57
                                                          Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine evil Mar,06.2013-16:48
                                                            Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ggn Mar,06.2013-17:31
                                                              Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine evil Mar,06.2013-17:48
                                                                Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ggn Mar,06.2013-23:54
                                                            Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,06.2013-18:18
                                                              Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,06.2013-21:51
                                                              Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ggn Mar,06.2013-23:59
                                                                Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,07.2013-02:31
                                                                  Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ggn Mar,07.2013-12:34
                                                                    Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,07.2013-14:00
                                                                      Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine gwEm Mar,07.2013-18:00
                                                                        Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,07.2013-18:51
                                                                          Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,08.2013-02:10
                                                                            Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,08.2013-13:12
                                                                              Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,09.2013-00:17
                                                            Re: Lance's 50 KHz playroutine ljbk Mar,06.2013-19:28
                              Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,28.2013-15:47
                                Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,28.2013-15:51
                                  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Feb,28.2013-18:56
                                    Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine nativ Mar,24.2013-00:07
                                      Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Apr,13.2013-01:21
                                        Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Apr,16.2013-16:12
                                          Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Apr,19.2013-12:14
                                            Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Apr,22.2013-14:54
                                              Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Apr,25.2013-19:03
                                                Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ggn Apr,25.2013-21:03
                                                  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Apr,26.2013-09:18
                                                    Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ggn Apr,26.2013-11:28
                                                      Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Apr,26.2013-12:13
  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk May,01.2013-22:30
    Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine evil May,02.2013-14:46
      Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine gwEm May,02.2013-20:00
        Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Damo May,02.2013-21:00
          Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine evil May,03.2013-13:00
      Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk May,08.2013-17:50
        Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Cyprian May,10.2013-13:01
          Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk May,11.2013-00:22
          Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk May,11.2013-08:54
            Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Cyprian May,11.2013-15:18
              Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk May,11.2013-15:35
                Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Lance May,23.2013-00:02
                  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk May,23.2013-14:44
  Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Bod/STAX Jun,06.2013-20:32
    Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Bod/STAX Jun,06.2013-20:39
      Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Jun,07.2013-00:09
        Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine Bod/STAX Jun,07.2013-18:38
          Re: Lance's 50khz playroutine ljbk Jun,07.2013-21:46

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