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Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA?
Posted by: quackmore Sep,20.2008-01:15 

See that's the thing... "here in Europe". I've had large screen projection TV's since the late 1980's and none have allowed for 50hz. Oh how much have I HATED seeing all the cool stuff on a 12" RBG Atari monitor :-(

The only ways out of this are:
1. I can find some hidden vertical hold either in a hardware pot, or software technical mode adjustment in the menu system.

2. A "magic plug" which converts the output of my Atari from 50hz, to 60hz display going into the TV. This IS possible, I have had converters similar but not exactly. There may be a little flicker, but it would work. Only problem is that I doubt anyone would manufacture something for that obscure of a reason. Rudolphe where are you?! LOL!

You see, it's not that the U.S. TVs don't have the tolerance to drop 10hz refresh, it's that they are all hardwired at 10hz higher. Like I say, a vertical hold knob would fix it.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? CiH Sep,16.2008-00:03
  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? mikro Sep,16.2008-10:40
  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? evil Sep,16.2008-15:36
    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? frost Sep,16.2008-20:26
      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? frost Sep,16.2008-20:26
    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? ggn Sep,17.2008-08:16
      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,18.2008-01:28
        Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? CiH Sep,18.2008-22:44
          Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,19.2008-02:33
            Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? Correction Sep,19.2008-17:29
              Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,20.2008-01:15
                Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? PeP Sep,20.2008-14:38
                  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,20.2008-19:03
                    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,21.2008-02:12
                      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,21.2008-07:57
                        Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,21.2008-11:16
                          Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? evil Sep,21.2008-22:04
                            Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? mikro Sep,21.2008-23:09
                              Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,22.2008-02:34
                                Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,22.2008-14:23
                                  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,22.2008-18:02

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