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Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA?
Posted by: mikro Sep,16.2008-10:40 

you know chris, "later", that's a time bomb :) i decided to do silkcut@60 hz later and it took me another month of fighting and still with no 100% result (tunnel bug). /btw -- did you run the 1.02 yet? how it works on your machine?/

currently, OM@50 hz is from 99% done, there's one hidden bug in rendering of one scene but i think with kalm's help it shouldn't be such hard.

the biggest problem is there's a lot of stuff which must be done by kalms for that 60 hz and i don't want to distract him with such 'crap' when we can focus on another (you know which one ;) TBL stuff.

but in case i'll get a lot complains how you need 60 Hz, we can reconsider it ;)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? CiH Sep,16.2008-00:03
  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? mikro Sep,16.2008-10:40
  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? evil Sep,16.2008-15:36
    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? frost Sep,16.2008-20:26
      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? frost Sep,16.2008-20:26
    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? ggn Sep,17.2008-08:16
      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,18.2008-01:28
        Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? CiH Sep,18.2008-22:44
          Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,19.2008-02:33
            Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? Correction Sep,19.2008-17:29
              Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,20.2008-01:15
                Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? PeP Sep,20.2008-14:38
                  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,20.2008-19:03
                    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,21.2008-02:12
                      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,21.2008-07:57
                        Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,21.2008-11:16
                          Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? evil Sep,21.2008-22:04
                            Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? mikro Sep,21.2008-23:09
                              Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,22.2008-02:34
                                Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,22.2008-14:23
                                  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,22.2008-18:02

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