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Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA?
Posted by: quackmore Sep,18.2008-01:28 

I use the newest 22-24" VERY flat screen CRT I could find with a GREAT picture just because I know that there's bound to be stuff that won't work on 60hz flat panels.

Then again, my opinion is probably the worse in the world because:

1. If I had MY way, EVERYONE (even people who don't make Atari demos anymore) would REMAKE everything ever done to work not only on 60hz VGA, but also my 60hz HDTV large screen :-P


2. I haven't had my ct60 up and working in a VERY VERY long time.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? CiH Sep,16.2008-00:03
  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? mikro Sep,16.2008-10:40
  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? evil Sep,16.2008-15:36
    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? frost Sep,16.2008-20:26
      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? frost Sep,16.2008-20:26
    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? ggn Sep,17.2008-08:16
      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,18.2008-01:28
        Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? CiH Sep,18.2008-22:44
          Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,19.2008-02:33
            Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? Correction Sep,19.2008-17:29
              Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,20.2008-01:15
                Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? PeP Sep,20.2008-14:38
                  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,20.2008-19:03
                    Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,21.2008-02:12
                      Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,21.2008-07:57
                        Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,21.2008-11:16
                          Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? evil Sep,21.2008-22:04
                            Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? mikro Sep,21.2008-23:09
                              Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,22.2008-02:34
                                Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? havoc Sep,22.2008-14:23
                                  Re: Ocean Machine 60hz VGA? quackmore Sep,22.2008-18:02

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