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Re: Eclipse graphics card
Posted by: Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:16

The hardware's modication is quite 'easy', you must only cut the trace between the pin 20 and 22 on the eclipse and after, to solder a "pass-through" on the board.

The software part is a little more difficult because the newest fvdi release uses the MMU to remap the gfx's card memory ( via PCIBIOS) and it doesn't work.

So, use this FVDI pack: ( fvdi.sys is provided).

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,25.2004-09:34
  Re: Eclipse graphics card saulot Feb,25.2004-13:22
    Re: Eclipse graphics card EvilFranky Feb,25.2004-17:11
      Re: Eclipse graphics card very very evil saulot ;] Feb,25.2004-18:23
        Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,26.2004-12:40
          Re: Eclipse graphics card saulot Feb,26.2004-18:09
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,26.2004-20:32
            Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,27.2004-10:35
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:18
            Re: Eclipse graphics card deez Feb,27.2004-11:22
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:16
                Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,02.2004-13:50
        Re: Eclipse graphics card Anonyme Feb,29.2004-19:33
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:36
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,14.2004-13:08
            Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,16.2004-17:56
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,17.2004-01:11
                Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,19.2004-15:50
                  Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,21.2004-23:34
                    Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,23.2004-16:58
                      Re: Eclipse graphics card Fredrik Olsson Mar,23.2004-21:03
      Re: Eclipse graphics card Crash Apr,22.2005-04:45

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