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Re: Eclipse graphics card
Posted by: saulot Feb,25.2004-13:22 

Well, no way. You should cut the trace, but for now it's worthless, because pcibios will not run with ct60 and it seems that it will not be patched soon (if at all).So for now don't touch anything.
Moreover there are problems with 25mhz bus (black screen in my case). At 20mhz everything should be fine.
Check with normal mode if it works at all. My Eclipse isn't working at all to this day... :/ I wait for super videl. It was the worst buy ever....

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,25.2004-09:34
  Re: Eclipse graphics card saulot Feb,25.2004-13:22
    Re: Eclipse graphics card EvilFranky Feb,25.2004-17:11
      Re: Eclipse graphics card very very evil saulot ;] Feb,25.2004-18:23
        Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,26.2004-12:40
          Re: Eclipse graphics card saulot Feb,26.2004-18:09
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,26.2004-20:32
            Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,27.2004-10:35
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:18
            Re: Eclipse graphics card deez Feb,27.2004-11:22
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:16
                Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,02.2004-13:50
        Re: Eclipse graphics card Anonyme Feb,29.2004-19:33
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:36
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,14.2004-13:08
            Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,16.2004-17:56
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,17.2004-01:11
                Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,19.2004-15:50
                  Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,21.2004-23:34
                    Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,23.2004-16:58
                      Re: Eclipse graphics card Fredrik Olsson Mar,23.2004-21:03
      Re: Eclipse graphics card Crash Apr,22.2005-04:45

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