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Eclipse graphics card
Posted by: -- neurotics -- Feb,25.2004-09:34 


I recently received my Eclipse graphics card from Cortex Design and want to install it under my ct60.

Rodolphe told us that on every add on card for the falcon has to be cut the trace between pins 20 and 22. I did this with my screeneye and everything works fine.

Now I was looking for the same trace on the Eclipse adaptor just to find out that there is none.

Is this correct? So can I just install the Eclipse with the ct60 without cutting any trace?

Thanks in advance,

-- neurotics --

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,25.2004-09:34
  Re: Eclipse graphics card saulot Feb,25.2004-13:22
    Re: Eclipse graphics card EvilFranky Feb,25.2004-17:11
      Re: Eclipse graphics card very very evil saulot ;] Feb,25.2004-18:23
        Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,26.2004-12:40
          Re: Eclipse graphics card saulot Feb,26.2004-18:09
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,26.2004-20:32
            Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Feb,27.2004-10:35
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:18
            Re: Eclipse graphics card deez Feb,27.2004-11:22
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:16
                Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,02.2004-13:50
        Re: Eclipse graphics card Anonyme Feb,29.2004-19:33
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Zorro Feb,29.2004-19:36
          Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,14.2004-13:08
            Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,16.2004-17:56
              Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,17.2004-01:11
                Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,19.2004-15:50
                  Re: Eclipse graphics card Johan Klockars Mar,21.2004-23:34
                    Re: Eclipse graphics card -- neurotics -- Mar,23.2004-16:58
                      Re: Eclipse graphics card Fredrik Olsson Mar,23.2004-21:03
      Re: Eclipse graphics card Crash Apr,22.2005-04:45

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