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Atari demoscene BBS
Re: F030 Quake project
Posted by: Laurent / Thadoss Jun,17.2015-00:33 

I still have no voice for such an archievement.

Really, really, I have a thought for all these poor amiga owners !
This time, they're all definitively convinced that their standard amiga 1200 was pure sh..t ;) compared to our falcon.

If we could return back to 1993 with such a prod ...

I think what you've archieved is times ahead of 68060 demos like Black lotus and so on.

Doug, thanks a lot for this (and for badmood too) !

Will test tomorrow.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-14:59
  Re: F030 Quake project gwEm/PHF Jun,16.2015-18:07
  Re: F030 Quake project ggn Jun,16.2015-18:13
  Re: F030 Quake project Beetle Jun,16.2015-18:38
    Re: F030 Quake project s_t_s Jun,16.2015-19:33
  Re: F030 Quake project Paranoid / pdx Jun,16.2015-21:02
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-21:57
  Re: F030 Quake project PeylOW Jun,16.2015-21:18
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-22:02
  Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-21:49
    Re: F030 Quake project Laurent / Thadoss Jun,17.2015-00:33
  Re: F030 Quake project Splash/S1 Jun,17.2015-00:47
    Re: F030 Quake project Ray Jun,22.2015-09:38
      Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,22.2015-10:22
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,22.2015-10:18

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