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Re: F030 Quake project
Posted by: Paranoid / pdx Jun,16.2015-21:02 

This is insane ... I can't believe you managed to make an (almost) standard
Falcon render and clip this amount of polygons at this speed with (almost)
no display errors in this resolution...

Incredibly impressive ...

(by the way, there are a few files in your archive that have filenames longer
than 8+3. They are in the "PLAYERS" folder and obviously not really needed
but potentially cause CRC-errors when unpacking them).

A completely stunned Paranoid / Paradox

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Topic Posted by  Date 
F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-14:59
  Re: F030 Quake project gwEm/PHF Jun,16.2015-18:07
  Re: F030 Quake project ggn Jun,16.2015-18:13
  Re: F030 Quake project Beetle Jun,16.2015-18:38
    Re: F030 Quake project s_t_s Jun,16.2015-19:33
  Re: F030 Quake project Paranoid / pdx Jun,16.2015-21:02
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-21:57
  Re: F030 Quake project PeylOW Jun,16.2015-21:18
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-22:02
  Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-21:49
    Re: F030 Quake project Laurent / Thadoss Jun,17.2015-00:33
  Re: F030 Quake project Splash/S1 Jun,17.2015-00:47
    Re: F030 Quake project Ray Jun,22.2015-09:38
      Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,22.2015-10:22
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,22.2015-10:18

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