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Re: F030 Quake project
Posted by: dml Jun,16.2015-21:57 

Thanks! :)

Yes you're right - I thought about picking through and removing the unneeded files but the game layer is ticking along and does load one or two models, even if they are not drawn, and it causes worse errors if I delete the wrong file. It was late, and rather than risk screwing up the release I just kept the whole folder :)

The 8.3 name-hash thing is a workaround which isn't ideal either - PAK/ZIP vfs files from the original games would work fine but loose map files could do with something better. OTOH if its being used for some other purpose (F030 game, demo, whatever) I guess new files would be created 8.3 anyway so no problem...

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Topic Posted by  Date 
F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-14:59
  Re: F030 Quake project gwEm/PHF Jun,16.2015-18:07
  Re: F030 Quake project ggn Jun,16.2015-18:13
  Re: F030 Quake project Beetle Jun,16.2015-18:38
    Re: F030 Quake project s_t_s Jun,16.2015-19:33
  Re: F030 Quake project Paranoid / pdx Jun,16.2015-21:02
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-21:57
  Re: F030 Quake project PeylOW Jun,16.2015-21:18
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-22:02
  Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,16.2015-21:49
    Re: F030 Quake project Laurent / Thadoss Jun,17.2015-00:33
  Re: F030 Quake project Splash/S1 Jun,17.2015-00:47
    Re: F030 Quake project Ray Jun,22.2015-09:38
      Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,22.2015-10:22
    Re: F030 Quake project dml Jun,22.2015-10:18

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