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Re: Doit Atari Archives
Posted by: Crash Jun,02.2006-13:51 


It seems that a lot of people had problems getting these archives to open, due to various platform specific issues (Apple vs. Dos vs. Atari), certain archivers not being compatible (STZIP) or passwords that were for different versions of the archives (when the archives were not named with version numbers?!?). I for one didn't figure out until just recently that my problems all along were the result of having downloaded the wrong version of the archive for my later version passwords.

I found several (of the surviving, not yet censored) threads going back several years, where users who registered and were trying to follow the rules were left frustrated because they downloaded this huge file with information that they needed, but could not open it due to some red tape.

They asked for help from the author, and did not get it. They asked for help in the forums or on usenet, and were threatened or blackballed by the author.

Perhaps the author could have been a little more understanding of the problems with his flawed distribution method, instead of always interpreting the cries for help as non-compliant, law breaking, users intent on piracy (Arrrr!).

I say again, what is the use of gathering together a body of knowledge and then locking it away for no one to see?

Unfortunately, the goal must have been to feel like a celebrity, or to be in control, rather than to help others.

I'm just glad there are discussion groups like this where people are willing to openly share their knowledge and experience. I couldn't get along without it!


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Topic Posted by  Date 
DoitF030 Password Crash May,22.2006-21:04
  Re: DoitF030 Password Peter May,22.2006-22:09
    Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,22.2006-22:13
      Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,23.2006-00:19
        Re: DoitF030 archives Crash May,23.2006-06:11
        Re: DoitF030 Password Peter May,23.2006-08:16
          Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Export Crash May,23.2006-08:35
            Re: Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Expo Peter May,23.2006-09:31
              Re: Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Expo Crash May,23.2006-09:41
    Re: DoitF030 Password David G May,23.2006-11:20
      Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,23.2006-11:48
        Re: DoitF030 Password mikro May,23.2006-12:32
          Re: DoitF030 Password Mark May,23.2006-14:17
            Re: DoitF030 Password Sasa May,23.2006-15:15
              Re: DoitF030 Password mikro May,23.2006-20:36
              Re: DoitF030 Password markiz May,24.2006-03:07
      Re: DoitF030 Password GokMasE May,23.2006-20:08
        My stuff in DoitF030 evil May,24.2006-13:07
          Re: My stuff in DoitF030 mikro May,24.2006-20:56
            Re: My stuff in DoitF030 mikro May,25.2006-13:48
      Re: DoitF030 Password Philipp Donze May,23.2006-21:22
        Kill this thread evil May,23.2006-21:50
          Re: Kill this thread Crash May,24.2006-00:05
          Re: Kill this thread Adam Klobukowski May,24.2006-07:30
            Doit Atari Archives Crash May,24.2006-08:11
              Re: Doit Atari Archives mikro May,24.2006-09:37
              Re: Doit Atari Archives Kochise Jun,01.2006-15:51
                Re: Doit Atari Archives Crash Jun,02.2006-13:51
        Re: DoitF030 Password Greenious May,24.2006-10:32
          Re: DoitF030 Password Uli May,24.2006-11:51
            Re: DoitF030 Password gwEm May,25.2006-14:25
              DoitF030 ToasT May,25.2006-21:55
                Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,25.2006-22:08
                  Re: DoitF030 cruzito May,26.2006-14:05
                  Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,26.2006-20:36
                    Re: DoitF030 Peter May,27.2006-10:13
                      Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-11:18
                        Re: DoitF030 Peter May,27.2006-11:27
                          Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-13:02
                            Re: DoitF030 David G May,27.2006-17:00
                              Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,27.2006-17:26
                              Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-18:23
                            Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,27.2006-17:25
                            Re: DoitF030 evil May,29.2006-12:30
                Re: DoitF030 evil May,29.2006-12:36

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