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Re: DoitF030
Posted by: evil May,29.2006-12:30 

> Still strange that this question is
> arised when the doit archive is not
> available.

This is just the opposite - the archive just now got available without registring for it (Mikros page).

Before this I had no idea what material was inside and would definitly have belived it was Herr Schaffners own work all together.

So what happened here is;

1. Some user registred the Doit archives, but his key did not work witht he archives found. So he wanted either a) a new key or b) a new archive. The authour (Schaffner) didn't give him either, as it's unsupported.

2. The user asks for either of them here. No password or no datas are made available from our servers.

3. Herr Schaffner e-mails me, asking me to remove the thread as we're violating his licence. I can't see how we do that as there is nothing posted to violate his licence. He also demands that I remove the encrypted archives from I am, of course, not an admin on that site, and have never had anything to do with it.

4. Herr Schaffner mails back, clearly disapointed that I didn't remove the thread, and adds "I´m sure to found better ways by law.". He's thereby threatening with legal actions if we don't stop to talk about a specific subject. He obviously belives we're living in the DDR or Soviet during the 70's. Sorry Schaffner - but talking about things are still legal.

5. Mikro publishes the archives online without encryption. With all the fuss that had been going on, I'm curious what it's all about. I would never have done this without Schaffners threats. To my surprise I find a document and a couple of pics I did a long time ago in the archive. Even more to my surprise I find a "(c) Robert Schaffner" at the end of the document. Greenious found similar things.

6. I mail Herr Schaffner again in rather irritated tone, asking what the hell he's doing. He tells me I'm talking bullshit, and that he have full permission to do this. Yeah right, if anyone I should know..

7. And there we are. In short form he wants discussions about his archive removed, and threatens me with legal actions on behalf of the licence he have put on my document. Yes it's very screwed up.

Anyhow, I don't see how this needs to be discussed much further, we still have no key or no datas to the archive at our server. The creator of the thread obviously have access to the unencrypted files by now, and we found out some stuff about the archive that somebody didn't want to slip out.

Let's end it.


Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
DoitF030 Password Crash May,22.2006-21:04
  Re: DoitF030 Password Peter May,22.2006-22:09
    Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,22.2006-22:13
      Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,23.2006-00:19
        Re: DoitF030 archives Crash May,23.2006-06:11
        Re: DoitF030 Password Peter May,23.2006-08:16
          Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Export Crash May,23.2006-08:35
            Re: Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Expo Peter May,23.2006-09:31
              Re: Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Expo Crash May,23.2006-09:41
    Re: DoitF030 Password David G May,23.2006-11:20
      Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,23.2006-11:48
        Re: DoitF030 Password mikro May,23.2006-12:32
          Re: DoitF030 Password Mark May,23.2006-14:17
            Re: DoitF030 Password Sasa May,23.2006-15:15
              Re: DoitF030 Password mikro May,23.2006-20:36
              Re: DoitF030 Password markiz May,24.2006-03:07
      Re: DoitF030 Password GokMasE May,23.2006-20:08
        My stuff in DoitF030 evil May,24.2006-13:07
          Re: My stuff in DoitF030 mikro May,24.2006-20:56
            Re: My stuff in DoitF030 mikro May,25.2006-13:48
      Re: DoitF030 Password Philipp Donze May,23.2006-21:22
        Kill this thread evil May,23.2006-21:50
          Re: Kill this thread Crash May,24.2006-00:05
          Re: Kill this thread Adam Klobukowski May,24.2006-07:30
            Doit Atari Archives Crash May,24.2006-08:11
              Re: Doit Atari Archives mikro May,24.2006-09:37
              Re: Doit Atari Archives Kochise Jun,01.2006-15:51
                Re: Doit Atari Archives Crash Jun,02.2006-13:51
        Re: DoitF030 Password Greenious May,24.2006-10:32
          Re: DoitF030 Password Uli May,24.2006-11:51
            Re: DoitF030 Password gwEm May,25.2006-14:25
              DoitF030 ToasT May,25.2006-21:55
                Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,25.2006-22:08
                  Re: DoitF030 cruzito May,26.2006-14:05
                  Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,26.2006-20:36
                    Re: DoitF030 Peter May,27.2006-10:13
                      Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-11:18
                        Re: DoitF030 Peter May,27.2006-11:27
                          Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-13:02
                            Re: DoitF030 David G May,27.2006-17:00
                              Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,27.2006-17:26
                              Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-18:23
                            Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,27.2006-17:25
                            Re: DoitF030 evil May,29.2006-12:30
                Re: DoitF030 evil May,29.2006-12:36

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