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Posted by: ToasT May,25.2006-21:55 

I'm confused by this guy. If he wants to protect the information for a profit reason which is a fair request (If he is the creator), then why does he not support the community and offer a service to Crash for a small fee. If the information is with-held in this fashion it is likley to end up on a swedish site which is not goverened by copyright law like It is illegal for non swedish countries to download copyright data from this site but people will and how can it be stopped even people like microsoft, sega and many others have failed to stop it. My advice is offer a service before someone else does you might even make some money in the process.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
DoitF030 Password Crash May,22.2006-21:04
  Re: DoitF030 Password Peter May,22.2006-22:09
    Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,22.2006-22:13
      Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,23.2006-00:19
        Re: DoitF030 archives Crash May,23.2006-06:11
        Re: DoitF030 Password Peter May,23.2006-08:16
          Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Export Crash May,23.2006-08:35
            Re: Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Expo Peter May,23.2006-09:31
              Re: Falcon Modem1 - C-Lab Expo Crash May,23.2006-09:41
    Re: DoitF030 Password David G May,23.2006-11:20
      Re: DoitF030 Password Crash May,23.2006-11:48
        Re: DoitF030 Password mikro May,23.2006-12:32
          Re: DoitF030 Password Mark May,23.2006-14:17
            Re: DoitF030 Password Sasa May,23.2006-15:15
              Re: DoitF030 Password mikro May,23.2006-20:36
              Re: DoitF030 Password markiz May,24.2006-03:07
      Re: DoitF030 Password GokMasE May,23.2006-20:08
        My stuff in DoitF030 evil May,24.2006-13:07
          Re: My stuff in DoitF030 mikro May,24.2006-20:56
            Re: My stuff in DoitF030 mikro May,25.2006-13:48
      Re: DoitF030 Password Philipp Donze May,23.2006-21:22
        Kill this thread evil May,23.2006-21:50
          Re: Kill this thread Crash May,24.2006-00:05
          Re: Kill this thread Adam Klobukowski May,24.2006-07:30
            Doit Atari Archives Crash May,24.2006-08:11
              Re: Doit Atari Archives mikro May,24.2006-09:37
              Re: Doit Atari Archives Kochise Jun,01.2006-15:51
                Re: Doit Atari Archives Crash Jun,02.2006-13:51
        Re: DoitF030 Password Greenious May,24.2006-10:32
          Re: DoitF030 Password Uli May,24.2006-11:51
            Re: DoitF030 Password gwEm May,25.2006-14:25
              DoitF030 ToasT May,25.2006-21:55
                Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,25.2006-22:08
                  Re: DoitF030 cruzito May,26.2006-14:05
                  Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,26.2006-20:36
                    Re: DoitF030 Peter May,27.2006-10:13
                      Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-11:18
                        Re: DoitF030 Peter May,27.2006-11:27
                          Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-13:02
                            Re: DoitF030 David G May,27.2006-17:00
                              Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,27.2006-17:26
                              Re: DoitF030 Joe Iron May,27.2006-18:23
                            Re: DoitF030 Greenious May,27.2006-17:25
                            Re: DoitF030 evil May,29.2006-12:30
                Re: DoitF030 evil May,29.2006-12:36

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