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CT60 and related things BBS
Posted by: Johan Klockars Aug,01.2005-10:42 

> Rodolphe mentions the PCI to be Milan compatible (I hope this means compatible with drivers as well).

They defined their own PCIBIOS standard to be able to deal with differences in hardware, so if the drivers use that to find the cards, drivers could be compatible.

Incidentally, I once tried to get fVDI/RageII to work on a Milan (Ozk's, IIRC) using the features of that PCIBIOS, but things didn't behave as I expected them to (or perhaps some things weren't actually implemented, or strangely documented), so we never got all the way. It certainly would be doable, though, and probably not even take long (if I had direct access to a Milan, at least).

> I think at least they use S3 cards with the Milan.

But those cards are likely as old and unavailable as the RageII.

I actually have the manual for the S3 Virge on a shelf here and it seems to document the 3D stuff as well. Don't remember if I ever got hold of one of those cards, though (I have a pile of miscellaneous PCI graphics cards somewhere).

> So what about SuperVidel?

I'd still buy one, but that's because I want to reprogram the FPGA. ;-)

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CTPCI Zorro Aug,01.2005-00:39
  Re: CTPCI vlg Aug,01.2005-09:31
    Re: CTPCI JoeAtari Aug,01.2005-10:05
      Re: CTPCI Zorro Aug,01.2005-11:45
    Re: CTPCI evil Aug,01.2005-10:11
  Re: CTPCI Johan Klockars Aug,01.2005-10:11
    Re: CTPCI evil Aug,01.2005-10:21
      Re: CTPCI Johan Klockars Aug,01.2005-10:42
        Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,01.2005-12:11
        Re: CTPCI Carbon Aug,01.2005-23:30
    Re: CTPCI Zorro Aug,01.2005-11:47
      Re: CTPCI Johan Klockars Aug,01.2005-14:06
    Re: CTPCI sqward Aug,01.2005-14:05
      Re: CTPCI -GFX cards Rodolphe Aug,01.2005-17:12
        Re: CTPCI -GFX cards Gaiyan Aug,01.2005-19:35
          Re: CTPCI -GFX cards earx Aug,01.2005-22:25
            Re: CTPCI -GFX cards D-Force Aug,10.2005-20:22
  Re: CTPCI Mark Aug,05.2005-15:22
    Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,05.2005-15:33
      Re: CTPCI Mark Aug,05.2005-19:38
      Re: CTPCI Mark Aug,05.2005-19:41
        Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,05.2005-23:07
    Re: CTPCI Peter Aug,05.2005-17:01
  Re: CTPCI Gaiyan Aug,07.2005-14:36
    Re: CTPCI Instream Aug,08.2005-12:17
      Re: CTPCI Strider Aug,10.2005-15:33
        Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,11.2005-12:56
          Re: CTPCI evil Aug,12.2005-23:31
  Re: CTPCI samf Aug,08.2005-15:04
    Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,08.2005-17:54
      Re: CTPCI Peter Aug,09.2005-11:31
        Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,09.2005-13:21

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