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CT60 and related things BBS
Posted by: Johan Klockars Aug,01.2005-10:11 

> I think that everyone here are aware but Rodolphe will make his PCI adaptator for the CT6x.

Yes, great news indeed!
(Assuming he gets the 100 pre-orders that he needs, but I can't imagine that being a problem.)

I suppose people will want to use the PCI bus for different things, but I know what I want most for my CT60 and that is decent graphics (and I don't much feel like trying to solder a through-connector to attach my Eclipse).

Obviously, I could get nice graphics on my CT60 with a PCI bus, since porting the fVDI/RageII driver should be a matter of an afternoon or two (adding support for bus master blits would take longer, but it would be significantly faster than an Eclipse/RageII even without that (not being limited to a few Mbyte/s by the Falcon bus)). But I suppose it might be somewhat problematic to find the required old RageII cards these days. They also are quite slow compared to more modern things and don't have any 3D support worth mentioning ( and undocumented at that).

So, I was wondering if perhaps anyone has any ideas about other useful graphics card solutions? Mainly the problem is that of documentation, which usually isn't made available.

While you could probably reverse engineer enough for 2D support using a PCI bus analyzer on a PC, that certainly wouldn't be a whole lot of fun.
In many cases there may be useful Linux drivers that could be "disected", but I'm not sure they don't at least rely on the cards BIOS's to have executed at startup.

There is good documentation available for the various Voodoo cards (I even put one of those in this PC to work on an fVDI driver, but I've never gotten around to it), but they also can't be found new, of course. Perhaps not as much of a problem, though, since there should be lots of second hand ones around at good prices.

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CTPCI Zorro Aug,01.2005-00:39
  Re: CTPCI vlg Aug,01.2005-09:31
    Re: CTPCI JoeAtari Aug,01.2005-10:05
      Re: CTPCI Zorro Aug,01.2005-11:45
    Re: CTPCI evil Aug,01.2005-10:11
  Re: CTPCI Johan Klockars Aug,01.2005-10:11
    Re: CTPCI evil Aug,01.2005-10:21
      Re: CTPCI Johan Klockars Aug,01.2005-10:42
        Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,01.2005-12:11
        Re: CTPCI Carbon Aug,01.2005-23:30
    Re: CTPCI Zorro Aug,01.2005-11:47
      Re: CTPCI Johan Klockars Aug,01.2005-14:06
    Re: CTPCI sqward Aug,01.2005-14:05
      Re: CTPCI -GFX cards Rodolphe Aug,01.2005-17:12
        Re: CTPCI -GFX cards Gaiyan Aug,01.2005-19:35
          Re: CTPCI -GFX cards earx Aug,01.2005-22:25
            Re: CTPCI -GFX cards D-Force Aug,10.2005-20:22
  Re: CTPCI Mark Aug,05.2005-15:22
    Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,05.2005-15:33
      Re: CTPCI Mark Aug,05.2005-19:38
      Re: CTPCI Mark Aug,05.2005-19:41
        Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,05.2005-23:07
    Re: CTPCI Peter Aug,05.2005-17:01
  Re: CTPCI Gaiyan Aug,07.2005-14:36
    Re: CTPCI Instream Aug,08.2005-12:17
      Re: CTPCI Strider Aug,10.2005-15:33
        Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,11.2005-12:56
          Re: CTPCI evil Aug,12.2005-23:31
  Re: CTPCI samf Aug,08.2005-15:04
    Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,08.2005-17:54
      Re: CTPCI Peter Aug,09.2005-11:31
        Re: CTPCI Coda Aug,09.2005-13:21

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