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Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued
Posted by: hencox & instream Sep,08.2009-20:56 

Great idea sqward! :)

We actually have a small expansion socket of our own in the top right corner of the SuperVidel. This consists of FPGA pins that were left over. We could put an ethernet MAC controller in the FPGA, and then use a thin flat cable to another small card, which just has an ethernet PHY chip and RJ45 connector. The big advantage here is that the card can be mounted directly at the back of the case, and is relatively cheap.

We probably couldn't fit USB in that expansion port too though, so you would have to remove the Ethernat and just use the SV + small ethernet card, if you won't do the soldering.

Those who still perform the soldering work that we described above, can then get two working ethernet ports, and USB in a falcon with original case and keyboard. :)

We have to make some more investigations on this subject before we can promise anything, though. :)

(The expansion port on the SV has exactly 1 GND per IO pin, so there is no problem sending 25MHz signals 20 - 30 cm through the cable. Just need some impedance matching also.)

H & T

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60+SV+EtherNat continued hencox Sep,06.2009-22:57
  Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued sqward Sep,06.2009-23:51
    Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued hencox & instream Sep,08.2009-20:56
      Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued sqward Sep,09.2009-11:50
        Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued quackmore Sep,09.2009-17:48
        Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued mikro Jan,11.2024-21:54
  Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued evil Sep,07.2009-19:51
    Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued hencox & instream Sep,08.2009-20:23
  Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued mikro Sep,08.2009-18:48
    Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued hencox & instream Sep,08.2009-20:27
  Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued Jake/Depression Sep,08.2009-19:36
    Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued raphael Sep,08.2009-23:09
      Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued quackmore Sep,09.2009-02:17
        Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued instream Sep,09.2009-08:32
          Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued rian_ata Sep,09.2009-15:05
            Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued rian_ata Sep,09.2009-15:05
              Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued quackmore Sep,09.2009-17:45
                Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued instream Sep,10.2009-10:47

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