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Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued
Posted by: mikro Sep,08.2009-18:48 

thanks for this "community approach" guys :)

to be honest, I don't know if it's a problem at all -- wen can't think as "everything must be inside the original case or no buy" forever. What about other hardware? Who says R.Czuba and Nature guys are the last?

for me, the best solution is to make cool, quality, nice, easily (un)pluggable hardware, even when it means I can't have ethernat+sv in the original case instead of some strange/dirty hacks what will make me really unhappy (soldering, "traveling" across the motherboard etc)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60+SV+EtherNat continued hencox Sep,06.2009-22:57
  Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued sqward Sep,06.2009-23:51
    Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued hencox & instream Sep,08.2009-20:56
      Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued sqward Sep,09.2009-11:50
        Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued quackmore Sep,09.2009-17:48
        Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued mikro Jan,11.2024-21:54
  Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued evil Sep,07.2009-19:51
    Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued hencox & instream Sep,08.2009-20:23
  Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued mikro Sep,08.2009-18:48
    Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued hencox & instream Sep,08.2009-20:27
  Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued Jake/Depression Sep,08.2009-19:36
    Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued raphael Sep,08.2009-23:09
      Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued quackmore Sep,09.2009-02:17
        Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued instream Sep,09.2009-08:32
          Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued rian_ata Sep,09.2009-15:05
            Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued rian_ata Sep,09.2009-15:05
              Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued quackmore Sep,09.2009-17:45
                Re: CT60+SV+EtherNat continued instream Sep,10.2009-10:47

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