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Re: ST games (O.T)
Posted by: ggn Sep,03.2009-12:33 

A bit late, but let me offer my experience on this subject....

First of all: Marcer's DVD (which contains _some_ of our patches) is for sale, while we offer our stuff for free. Make your choice :)

Second, the floppy emu thing:

Yeah, sure, do a reset of the Falcon, bend a few vectors here and there, and you've got a working GEMDOS/XBIOS floppy disk emulator up and running quite fast. But what happens when games aren't in files and the game isn't using the standard system calls to read a disk? Immediately you strike those out, and that's like more than 70%.

So you take the possible remaining 30% working games and try them out. Do they work? Hit'n'miss I'm afraid. Wrong palettes, code that runs only on 68000, wrong resolution changes, you name it. If you're lucky enough, you get at most a 5-10% of games working that way.

So what you're looking for is a tool that will emulate the floppy _at the hardware level_, which will take an ungodly amount of CPU time (ever heard of Pasti in STEem engine or SainT?) that will be able to intercept all access to the hardware registers and act properly without interrupting the program flow. Then it needs to automagically replace all code that runs on 68000 only (not an easy task aswell, as sometimes it's not apparent at all). Then you need to patch away all stuff that makes the Videl go beserk (again not very apparent way to do this). And then pray that the game you want works.

And oh, did I mention that I'm talking about plain Falcon 030 mode here? On 060 it's far far worse!

Believe me guys, me CJ and Shw busted our heads for a long time trying to find a universal solution for loading games. We aren't patching one game at a time out of masochism :). Tools like backwards are probably the best you're going to get, and that still needs floppy disks to work!

Still, you guys can still prove me wrong, I won't mind!

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Topic Posted by  Date 
ST games quackmore Aug,31.2009-23:04
  Re: ST games Beetle Sep,01.2009-00:55
    Re: ST games quackmore Sep,01.2009-03:08
      Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-10:32
      Re: ST games evil Sep,01.2009-13:26
        Re: ST games quackmore Sep,01.2009-17:43
          Re: ST games PeP Sep,01.2009-18:16
          Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-20:28
            Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-20:30
            Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-00:00
              Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-00:05
              Re: ST games mikro Sep,02.2009-00:24
                Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-09:45
                  Re: ST games mikro Sep,02.2009-10:34
                    Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-17:20
                      Re: ST games (O.T) evil Sep,02.2009-19:46
                        Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-20:03
                          Re: ST games (O.T) mikro Sep,02.2009-20:15
                            Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-20:35
                        Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,03.2009-00:41
                          Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:33
                            Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:39
                            Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:45
                              Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,04.2009-11:22
                          Re: ST games (O.T) CJ Sep,03.2009-12:43
                            Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,03.2009-18:04
                              Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,04.2009-15:32
                                Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,04.2009-18:47
                                  Re: ST games (O.T) mikro Sep,05.2009-18:36
                                    Hatari on Atari CiH Sep,06.2009-01:54
                                      Re: Hatari on Atari mikro Sep,06.2009-12:26

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