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Re: ST games
Posted by: evil Sep,01.2009-13:26 

If programs like STeem can almost do it, then why can't a 680X0?!

STeem is an emulator. A Falcon is not fast enough to run that.

And to run all ST specific games directly on a Falcon won't work as the hardware differs too much, both the CPU and other things such as the video hardware.

Check D-Bug's site and download their Falcon and harddrive patched games.

Anders Eriksson

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Topic Posted by  Date 
ST games quackmore Aug,31.2009-23:04
  Re: ST games Beetle Sep,01.2009-00:55
    Re: ST games quackmore Sep,01.2009-03:08
      Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-10:32
      Re: ST games evil Sep,01.2009-13:26
        Re: ST games quackmore Sep,01.2009-17:43
          Re: ST games PeP Sep,01.2009-18:16
          Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-20:28
            Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-20:30
            Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-00:00
              Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-00:05
              Re: ST games mikro Sep,02.2009-00:24
                Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-09:45
                  Re: ST games mikro Sep,02.2009-10:34
                    Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-17:20
                      Re: ST games (O.T) evil Sep,02.2009-19:46
                        Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-20:03
                          Re: ST games (O.T) mikro Sep,02.2009-20:15
                            Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-20:35
                        Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,03.2009-00:41
                          Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:33
                            Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:39
                            Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:45
                              Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,04.2009-11:22
                          Re: ST games (O.T) CJ Sep,03.2009-12:43
                            Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,03.2009-18:04
                              Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,04.2009-15:32
                                Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,04.2009-18:47
                                  Re: ST games (O.T) mikro Sep,05.2009-18:36
                                    Hatari on Atari CiH Sep,06.2009-01:54
                                      Re: Hatari on Atari mikro Sep,06.2009-12:26

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