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Re: ST games
Posted by: mikro Sep,01.2009-20:30 

to that floppy emulator: yes, i *do* know there are some solutions but we don't like them. either you must convert it into some strange format or you must live with some strange on-screen menus... look for SDrive by Raster on 8bit Ataris, this is what we want (and of course some cool things more but first things first, everything in the right time :)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
ST games quackmore Aug,31.2009-23:04
  Re: ST games Beetle Sep,01.2009-00:55
    Re: ST games quackmore Sep,01.2009-03:08
      Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-10:32
      Re: ST games evil Sep,01.2009-13:26
        Re: ST games quackmore Sep,01.2009-17:43
          Re: ST games PeP Sep,01.2009-18:16
          Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-20:28
            Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-20:30
            Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-00:00
              Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-00:05
              Re: ST games mikro Sep,02.2009-00:24
                Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-09:45
                  Re: ST games mikro Sep,02.2009-10:34
                    Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-17:20
                      Re: ST games (O.T) evil Sep,02.2009-19:46
                        Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-20:03
                          Re: ST games (O.T) mikro Sep,02.2009-20:15
                            Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-20:35
                        Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,03.2009-00:41
                          Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:33
                            Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:39
                            Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:45
                              Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,04.2009-11:22
                          Re: ST games (O.T) CJ Sep,03.2009-12:43
                            Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,03.2009-18:04
                              Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,04.2009-15:32
                                Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,04.2009-18:47
                                  Re: ST games (O.T) mikro Sep,05.2009-18:36
                                    Hatari on Atari CiH Sep,06.2009-01:54
                                      Re: Hatari on Atari mikro Sep,06.2009-12:26

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