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ST games
Posted by: quackmore Aug,31.2009-23:04 

Now that I can FINALLY play euro games and demos again, I tried to play Atari ST games. Things went horrible wrong :-( Most of my game disks have gone bad. I looked into buying blanks and downloading games in .ST or .MSA format then restoring them, but... WOW!

Disks are no longer made and although they are cheap now, they won't be soon. Also, it's a hassle to keep a couple hundred disks by my ST trying to sort through them just to find the game (and matching Elvira II disk 6) for it when needed.

Is anyone up to developing something for CT owners the freedom of playing ANY ST game on their system?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
ST games quackmore Aug,31.2009-23:04
  Re: ST games Beetle Sep,01.2009-00:55
    Re: ST games quackmore Sep,01.2009-03:08
      Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-10:32
      Re: ST games evil Sep,01.2009-13:26
        Re: ST games quackmore Sep,01.2009-17:43
          Re: ST games PeP Sep,01.2009-18:16
          Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-20:28
            Re: ST games mikro Sep,01.2009-20:30
            Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-00:00
              Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-00:05
              Re: ST games mikro Sep,02.2009-00:24
                Re: ST games PeP Sep,02.2009-09:45
                  Re: ST games mikro Sep,02.2009-10:34
                    Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-17:20
                      Re: ST games (O.T) evil Sep,02.2009-19:46
                        Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-20:03
                          Re: ST games (O.T) mikro Sep,02.2009-20:15
                            Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,02.2009-20:35
                        Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,03.2009-00:41
                          Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:33
                            Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:39
                            Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,03.2009-12:45
                              Re: ST games (O.T) PeP Sep,04.2009-11:22
                          Re: ST games (O.T) CJ Sep,03.2009-12:43
                            Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,03.2009-18:04
                              Re: ST games (O.T) ggn Sep,04.2009-15:32
                                Re: ST games (O.T) quackmore Sep,04.2009-18:47
                                  Re: ST games (O.T) mikro Sep,05.2009-18:36
                                    Hatari on Atari CiH Sep,06.2009-01:54
                                      Re: Hatari on Atari mikro Sep,06.2009-12:26

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