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Re: LCD Screen Resolutions
Posted by: quackmore Aug,14.2009-23:01 

I've gotten over 1800x1400x16c at 50mhz using a BlowUp plug.

Atari sets the MINIMUM for everything. The resolutions, the desktop, all on ROM without the need for it to be on the hard drive or floppy. Talking with Atari before the Falcon was released, they told me, "You guys are going to figure out how to push it further anyway..." (paraphrased). To me, this means they didn't give a lot of thought into pushing the machine to its limits, that's up to us! 8-D

The Falcon out of the box has a pixel clock switchable, 25mhz-32mhz. But is capable of 50mhz. You just have to clock it at 50mhz either with an external cable (joystick to monitor port) or internally.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,14.2009-02:42
  Re: LCD Screen Resolutions mikro Aug,14.2009-09:57
    Re: LCD Screen Resolutions PeP Aug,14.2009-17:35
      Re: LCD Screen Resolutions evil Aug,14.2009-21:52
        Re: LCD Screen Resolutions FDR1980 Aug,14.2009-22:34
          Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,14.2009-23:01
            Re: LCD Screen Resolutions FDR1980 Aug,15.2009-00:55
            Re: LCD Screen Resolutions FDR1980 Aug,15.2009-01:45
              Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,15.2009-07:21
                Re: LCD Screen Resolutions mikro Aug,16.2009-13:22
                  Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,17.2009-00:02
    Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,14.2009-23:09
      Re: LCD Screen Resolutions Beetle Aug,15.2009-01:27
        Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,15.2009-07:12
          Re: LCD Screen Resolutions Beetle Aug,15.2009-10:54
            Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,17.2009-10:19

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