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Re: LCD Screen Resolutions
Posted by: FDR1980 Aug,14.2009-22:34 

So what are the maximum resolutions of a Falcon in VGA and RGB modes with the VIDEL at 50 mhz?

Very interesting.

Also, why do people think Atari felt the need to limit the user with 'out of the box' resolutions when the VIDEL has always been capable of so much more?

Is the 32mhz clock only available through hardware?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,14.2009-02:42
  Re: LCD Screen Resolutions mikro Aug,14.2009-09:57
    Re: LCD Screen Resolutions PeP Aug,14.2009-17:35
      Re: LCD Screen Resolutions evil Aug,14.2009-21:52
        Re: LCD Screen Resolutions FDR1980 Aug,14.2009-22:34
          Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,14.2009-23:01
            Re: LCD Screen Resolutions FDR1980 Aug,15.2009-00:55
            Re: LCD Screen Resolutions FDR1980 Aug,15.2009-01:45
              Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,15.2009-07:21
                Re: LCD Screen Resolutions mikro Aug,16.2009-13:22
                  Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,17.2009-00:02
    Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,14.2009-23:09
      Re: LCD Screen Resolutions Beetle Aug,15.2009-01:27
        Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,15.2009-07:12
          Re: LCD Screen Resolutions Beetle Aug,15.2009-10:54
            Re: LCD Screen Resolutions quackmore Aug,17.2009-10:19

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