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Re: Improved EtherNat driver
Posted by: Falcon060 May,28.2009-17:43 

Nice to see a pretty good explanation of what might be going on. I am not an extensive coder but judging by your comments in the last paragraph is there a way to make an improvement then? Certainly we could see improved speeds with a slight rewrite of Mintnet.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Improved EtherNat driver evil May,26.2009-20:21
  Re: Improved EtherNat driver PeP May,26.2009-20:37
    Re: Improved EtherNat driver mikro May,27.2009-10:28
      Re: Improved EtherNat driver evil May,27.2009-16:11
        Re: Improved EtherNat driver David G May,27.2009-19:33
          Re: Improved EtherNat driver mikro May,28.2009-11:59
            Re: Improved EtherNat driver David G May,28.2009-13:31
              Re: Improved EtherNat driver hencox May,28.2009-15:05
                Re: Improved EtherNat driver Falcon060 May,28.2009-17:43
                Re: Improved EtherNat driver Paolo Jun,22.2009-17:43
                  Re: Improved EtherNat driver Paolo Jun,22.2009-18:33
              Re: Improved EtherNat driver David G Jun,03.2009-18:05

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