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Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up)
Posted by: mikro Jun,16.2019-14:26 

Actually - the snow you are seeing isn't a Videl bug per se.

It's a simple outcome of the fact that 320xYYY VGA resolutions provide virtually no spare cycles for the HBL process. If you narrow the screen to 256xYYY, you get some, if you create a 640xYYY screen and narrow the raster line down to 256 pixels, you will be able to write about 8 palette longs.

And now the (not so anymore...) surprising fact: if you fire up your CT60, you get no noise whatsoever because it's so freaking fast. :)

(yes, tested on a real code, I'm changing 16 palette longs in 256x240/VGA without single, ehem, snowflake :) )

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Topic Posted by  Date 
HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,11.2019-18:59
  Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,12.2019-00:30
    Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Apr,12.2019-09:08
      Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,12.2019-11:50
        Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Daniel Apr,15.2019-00:09
          Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Apr,15.2019-11:46
            Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,15.2019-15:12
        Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) evil Apr,15.2019-11:46
          Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,15.2019-14:39
            Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Apr,16.2019-07:43
              Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,16.2019-12:20
          Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Daniel Apr,16.2019-23:45
            Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Jun,16.2019-14:26
              Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Aug,30.2019-08:32

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