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Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up)
Posted by: Orion Apr,15.2019-15:12 

Found this trick also when I reverse-engineered Klaz's work on Fire and Ice.
But the HBL interrupt trigger depends on the display config, thus Klaz's method works only in particular configs.

See my reply to Evil for details.

-- Orion

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Topic Posted by  Date 
HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,11.2019-18:59
  Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,12.2019-00:30
    Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Apr,12.2019-09:08
      Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,12.2019-11:50
        Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Daniel Apr,15.2019-00:09
          Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Apr,15.2019-11:46
            Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,15.2019-15:12
        Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) evil Apr,15.2019-11:46
          Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,15.2019-14:39
            Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Apr,16.2019-07:43
              Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Orion Apr,16.2019-12:20
          Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) Daniel Apr,16.2019-23:45
            Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Jun,16.2019-14:26
              Re: HBL on Falcon (follow up) mikro Aug,30.2019-08:32

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