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DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux
Posted by: insane/tSCc Jan,29.2019-21:24 

I've decided to put my current work in progress regarding dsp cross development under Linux online:

This consists of source code for cldlod (C), lod2p56 (C), asm56000 4.1.1 (disassembled)
as well as my bare bones TOS emulator runtos.

Sure - you could also use asm56000.exe 6.3.0 and wine - but I prefer this way. Especially on ARM.

feedback welcome! (Mail addy inside the zip file)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux insane/tSCc Jan,29.2019-21:24
  Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux Splash/S1 Jan,30.2019-00:45
    Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux insane/tSCc Jan,30.2019-01:10
    Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux Splash/S1 Mar,03.2019-14:59
  Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux Cyprian Jan,30.2019-18:56
    Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux insane/tSCc Jan,31.2019-15:03
      Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux Cyprian Jan,31.2019-15:36
        Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux insane/tSCc Feb,09.2019-16:21
          Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux Cyprian Mar,23.2019-22:06
            Re: DSP56001 Cross Dev under Linux insane/tSCc Mar,24.2019-21:10

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