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Pixel painters

APEX Media
by Black Scorpion Software
One of the flagship apps for the Falcon back in 1994. It's a great pixel painter that works in both hicolour and 256-colour modes.

What it got most attention for back then was it's animation features that could do morphing and digitize realtime video feeds via the ScreenEye hardware.
 »  Download APEX Media v2.41
 »  Visit the APEX Media site of Doug Little (APEX coder)


CrackArt v1.3 TT+
by Jan Borchers and Detlef Rottger
Very powerful 16-colour pixel paint program. Wonderful zoomer and well optimized routines. Downsides are no STe palette and unstandard fileselector. Functions are very much like Degas Elite.

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Cyber Paint v2.0
by Dancing Flame
Advanced pixel painting and animation program. Apex Media on the Falcon has "stolen" many ideas from this program. It's weakness might be a bit bad colour selection and zoom.

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Degas Elite v1.0
by Tom Hudson
One of the first painting packages to arrive on the ST, and is still being used amost several graphicans! 16 colour pixelpainter, easy to use. Alot of classic ST graphics have been made with this one.

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Delmpaint v4.0b
by Mr.Coke / Avena
256-colour paintprogram. Used quite alot by graphicans in the early Falcon days. Similar to Degas in painting.

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Deluxe Paint v1.00
by Artistech Development
Atari version of the very classic Amiga art program. It never got the attention on the Atari it had on the Amiga. However, worth trying out, some famous ST graphicans uses this one as well (Agent-t- for example).

 »  Download
 »  Download a fix for Deluxe Paint so it can load old Degas (32034 bytes) images


Dunegraph v0.33
by Evil Metal / Dune
Paint program that never got finished. Dune worked on a commercial version to be released under the Frontier label, but never made it. This version was mainly used internally in Dune, but other gfxmen are known to have used it as well.

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Escape Paint v0.72
by No / Escape
The very best hicolour pixelpainter for the Falcon. Degas/Neochrome zooming/work modes to select between. Lots of nice block functions, large screen areas (smooth scrolling), plugin effect modules, gemview loadmodules support and lots lots more.

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by Advanced Memory Systems, Eigen Software and Zicon Computer Graphics
This program is something very special. To start with, it loads as .acc and you can jump out to desktop when you like, this was and still is unique as far as I know. The GUI is custom made and features realtime-moving windows! The way you paint is unique as well, and if Im not mistaken, there should be some sort of vector-drawing mechanism in there too. However, there is a backside as always; all these very special things make the program a bit difficult to try out, at least without a manual.

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Fuckpaint v1.0c
by Waterhead / Risk
One of the first Falcon-only paintp rograms to arrive. 256-colours and similar to Delmpaint and Degas. Most people changed to Delmpaint when that was released.

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by Mr Pink / Reservoir Gods
Falcon hicolour pixelpaint program. It is a bit odd in layout and functions, to it attached quite some ppl. Also have a few unneed fun features (such as fractal drawing..)

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Grafx2 v2.4wip
by Sunset / Grafx2 Project Team / Saulot
Extremly good pixelpainter available for a number of platforms. Ported to Atari Falcon and Atari TT by Saulot.

Really needs a 060 for comfortable use.
 »  Download
 »  Grafx2 project page
 »  Grafx2 Atari project page


by Dimitri Koveos / Atari Corp.
A GEM based pixelpaint program. These doesn't exactly grow on trees, and when testing Hyperpaint it's easy to see why. The ST is simply a bit too slow for zooming etc in gem. The program was distributed by Atari Corporation.

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IndyPaint v1.0
by Photon / Lazer
Hicolour pixelpaint program. Developed in cooperation with several leading graphic artists at that time.

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Neochrome Master v2.28
by Dave Staugas and Chaos-Inc / Delta Force
Neochrome Master is an improved version of the original Neochrome that was supplied with many Ataris (improvements made by Delta Force). Some very powerful raster functions, realtime zooming (as well as static zoom) and much more.

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Prism Paint v1.1
by Robert M. Birmingham
Flexible pixel painter, works in most screenmodes.

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Spectrum 512
by Trio Inc / Antic Software
This program is genious. It works in a "synclock" mode and is constantly in work changing the colourpalette. Resulting in over 40 colours per line possible! It was the first of it's kind, and still the only one. Program for setting 60Hz mode included.

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Synthetic Arts v3
by The Cybernetics
16 colour pixelpaint program. Reminds alot of Neochrome Master. Has a special overscan view mode for fullscreen picture creation.

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