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Coding tools

by Sqward
An open source DSP assembler available for both Atari and cross-development on other platforms.

 »  Download Asm56k 0.95 binaries (ST-Falcon, Linux, Win, OS X)
 »  Download Asm56k 0.95 sources
 »  Sqwards Asm56k page


Assemble / Adebug v1.0
by Brainstorm
Complete assembler-programming package, with editor (highlightning of commands etc), debugger (the famous Adebug), assembler (assemble).

 »  Download
 »  Download fastload patch
 »  Assemble 060-patch


BSSdebug v1.95 beta
by Black Scorpion Software
An exclusive Falcon debugger made by Andrew L. Younger of the Black Scorpion Software.

Sorry about the screenshot, but I weren't able to get a proper screen dump of this.
 »  Download BSSdebug v1.95 beta


Desert Drain v1.52
by Wolker Hemsen
Advanced disassembler. Complete with disassembler, editor and more. Automatic comments for os calls. Clearly worth a look if you're going to do disassembly.

 »  Download


Devpac v3.10
by HiSoft
Without question the most popular assembler package on the Atari ST/TT/Falcon. Complete with editor and debugger.

 »  Download


DSP 56001 Debugger v1.08
by Brainstorm
A DSP debugger for the Falcon. Many advanced features and highly enjoyed by many DSP programmers. Originally from the Falcon developers distribution by Atari, although this is an updated version.

 »  Download


by Motorola & Atari
The DSP Tools from Ataris Falcon developer distribution floppies. Contains the ASM56000.TTP assembler, which is the most common and compatible DSP assembler. Also include tools to convert the CLD format to LOD.

 »  Download


DSPdit v1.0.7
by .tSCc.
An editor made for DSP 56k programming. Support for the Quick-DSP-ASM. The editor remids alot of the one used in Turbo Assembler, in fact I have a feeling it is borrowed from there completely.

 »  Download


by Emanuel Wöcklin
A Bugaboo clone that works on TT as well as ST/STe. Reset-safe like Bugaboo but apparently with more features. The source code is available as well.
 »  Download Peacebug v1.31
 »  Download Peacebug v1.31 sources


Pure C
by ?
The most used C package on Atari ST/TT/Falcon. If you like to start C-coding on the Atari, this is probably the best start. The demo/game library by Reservoir Gods was made with this C package, and with that you have a solid ground to start producing Atari demos and games.

 »  Download


Quick DSP assembler v0.13b
by Audoly Gilles and Earx / Lineout
Extremly optimized DSP 56k assembler. It supports many of ASM56000 features, but does it at the speed of light. The only DSP assembler for Falcon which is still being supported as well.

 »  Download


TT-Digger v6.2
by Henk Robbers
A quick and popular disassembler. It's still supported and it handle all from 68000 to 68060 and 68881/68882 instructions.

 »  Download


Turbo Assembler v1.7.7
by Sigmasoft
Very fast assembler (pre-generating code while editing). It also has a powerful debugger (bugaboo) which is resetsafe and most often can recover from bad code.

 »  Download

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