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Demo creation resources
12-bit C2P for Atari TT
by Ray / .tSCc.
A "true colour" C2P routine for Atari TT by Ray of .tSCc. Working in TT-LOW resolution.
 »  Download the TT C2P

ARJ depacker
by Mr Ni / TOS Crew and Ultra / Cream
Small and fast depack routine for ARJ Mode 4. Give you small files and efficiant depack time. Coded by Mr.Ni and Ultra.

 »  Download

Aura Falcon library
by DBC / Aura
A huge assembler library from BDC of Aura. Includes polygon fillers for bitplane modes, for interpolative hicolour polygons, DSP transformation routines and much more.

 »  Download

by Paranoid
A BLiTTER documentation that goes into great detail of every bit of the chip.
 »  Download

Chunky to planar routines
by Kalms / TBL and Mikro / Mystic Bytes
Chunky to planar (c2p) routines for Falcon and TT. 1x1 pixel size, 4, 6 and 8 plane versions made by Mikael Kalms (TBL). 060-superscalar optimized 8-plane c2p by Mikro/Mystic Bytes included as well.

 »  Download

by ?
Cleanup utility for EasyRider disassembled sources.

 »  Download

by Ruiz Lionel
A modplayer for the Falcon using only the CPU, useful if your demo/game is using the DSP for other things.
 »  Download

Degas-to-chunky Converter
by Paranoid / Paradox
This little conversion utility is reading an unpacked DEGAS-file and converts it to chunky format, flexibly allowing several picture sizes (up to 320 x 200), inclusion or exclusion of Palette information, creation of either byte- or nibble-formatted graphics and renormalisation of pixel information by a factor of 4. It comes as a TTP-program and relies on GEMDOS purely so it should be very compatible.

 »  Download

DHS Falcon demosystem v15
by Evil / DHS
An easy to use init/exit library with a demopart sequencer and a bunch of common screenmodes to select from. Prepared for use with all kind of accelerators and fastram Falcons.

It comes with DSPMOD v3.4 for module playing and NoCrews MP2-player for mpeg music playing. There's a small example demoscreen included which shows how to use the system with multiparts, and there's an article in Alive diskmag issue one which describes it in detail.

 »  Download
 »  Alive diskmag article

DNT DMA-Player v2.7
by Nullos / DNT Crew
A very fast (below 5%) 4-channel Protracker player made by Nullos of DNT-Crew. It is using audio-dma to transfer datas to DSP.

 »  Download

DSP MPEG Audio Layer 2 player
by Noring and NoBrain / NoCrew
Fantastic MP2-audio player from NoCrew. Uses the DSP for all processing leaving the CPU completely free for other tasks.

 »  Download
 »  Downlod D2D patch by Ray / .tSCc.

DSP Paula
by Chris / Aura
The modplayer routines used by many Independent demos. Uses about 10% CPU and 15% DSP.
 »  Download

DSP Soundtracker replay
by Simplet / Abstract
4, 6 and 8-channel replay routines for MOD files. 68030 and DSP sources as well as examples how to use it.
 »  Download

by biTmASTER / BSW
This is not a new version of DSPMOD one might belive. It's a special version of it which uploads all the sample datas to DSP-Memory in beforehand instead of streaming while playing. This does save CPU-time, so it can be recomended for really time-critical things. The bad side however is that the player is limited to 96k sample datas.

 »  Download

An easy to use modplayer from bITmASTER of The Chaos Engine. It replays 4, 6 and 8-channel Protracker files. Supports surround sound and interpolation.

This is an updated version from bITmASTERS original DSPMOD v3.1. It is fixed for better compatibility with FastRam and Devpac.

 »  Download

by Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize
A program to precalculate linear fadings with STe palette.

 »  Download

by ?
A program which can create sprite files etc (full docs within the program).

 »  Download

by Mr Pink / Reservoir Gods
A set of devlopment libraries for the atari platform by reservoir gods. Includes routines for disk access, reading multiple input devices (keyboard, mouse, joystick, jag pad even team taps), loading systems (including linkfile loading and ramdisk like file structures), a multi platform graphics engine (usese extra features like blitter when available), audio routines, CLI support and more!

 »  Download

Graoumf Tracker Replay
by L. De Soras and Earx / Lineout
Graoumf Tracker replay code by L. De Soras. Heavily optimized and bugfixed by Earx. Plays GT2 files from the tracker, not older GTK files.

 »  Download

Griff DSP player
by Griff / Electronic Images
The MOD-player used in The Left Donut demo, one of the first Falcon DSP-modplayers ever made.
 »  Download

Lance Protracker replay
by Lance
Extremly fast 4-channel Protracker replayer for STe/MegaSTe. Uses approx 30% CPU with 50kHz replay. No oversampling or multiplex tricks.

Lately Paulo Simoes has extended the replay code to support 12.5 and 25 kHz mixing, optional volume control and optional trash playing.

 »  Download
 »  Download TT-fixed version by Ray / .tSCc.
 »  Download an optimized 12.5/25/50 kHz version called Hacking Lance (v13 (2013)) by Paulo Simoes

Lower border removing
by GT Turbo / Cerebral Vortex
A small source which demostrates lower-boring removal. Tested with ST/STe. Coded by GT Turbo / Cerebral Vortex.

 »  Download

lz77 packer/depacker v1.3
by Ray / .tSCc.
Very fast decompression routines for lz77 packed data. Similar or better pack ratio than huffman. By Ray of .tSCc.

 »  Download v1.3
 »  Download v1.2

by Grazey / PHF
Mapeditor used in the early UMD's by PHF.

 »  Download

mc680x0 fixedpoint math library for Devpac v1.4
by Ray / .tSCc.
Provides the mc680x0 cpu range with fixed point versions of the most common floating point instructions offered by motorola's mc6888x fpu series. In order to keep things easy there are two seperate versions, one for plain 68000 machines and another one with greater accuracy which is aimed at 68020s or better processors. the implementation is mainly based on pade approximations

 »  Download

NeoN file format descriptions
by Cyclone / X-Troll
Description of the NeoN Grafix scene file format as well as the binary object file format.

 »  Download

NeoN Fonts
by Nemo / DHS
Four fonts for NeoN that is suitable for low polygon scenes.

 »  Download

Ninja III ProReplayer v2.2/v3.42
by Ninja III
Protracker replayer for plain ST's. Both v2.2 and v3.42 included. v3.42 also compatible to Falcon. Max 21kHz replay.

 »  Download

PNG depacking code
by GT Turbo / Cerebral Vortex
A PNG lib written from scratch in 68000 Assembly. It reads 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 bit images with interlace and/or alpha.
 »  Download

ProTracker GFA Basic replayer
by Wizzcat / Delta Force and GT Turbo / Cerebral Vortex
The ProTracker replay code by Wizzcat of Delta Force made available for GFA Basic use. Running on ST (6, 8 or 12kHz) and STe (12.5kHz) with examples in GFA Basic. GFA Basic shell by GT Turbo / Cerebral Vortex.

 »  Download

by The Independent
A videl graphics mode configurator. Can save the resulting video-mode as an easy-to-use Assembler routine. Essential utility!

 »  Download

Segmented Line
by Kalms / TBL
The fastest line drawing routine for the ST so far. Draws 22 0,0,319,199 lines in one VBL.

Clipping or non-clipping modes.
 »  Download Segmented Line-routine by Kalms/TBL
 »  Google Code page

Sid Sound Designer replayer
by MC / Animal Mine, Defjam / Checkpoint, Ben / Overlanders and Frost / Sector One
The infamous Sid Sound Designer replaycode. Dis/reassembled by Defjam, ide-fixed by Frost and pattern-break fixed by Ben/Overlanders. This is the absolute most recent version of this player. Two versions included: one for use with non-system programs (using up timers a,c,d) and one which works together with the os (using timers a,b,d). Example playcode included.

 »  Download

Sinus/cosinus generator
by Azrael / Cerebral Vortex
Sinus and co-sinus generator in assembler. 68000 and up. Written by Azrael / Cerebral Vortex.

 »  Download

Sprite routines
by Ninja / Enterprise
Sprite routine by ninja of enterprise (documented). Also includes an updated sprite routine including masking by ninja of enterprise.

 »  Download

ST Synclock demosystem v1.0
by Evil / DHS
Assembler demo system for Atari ST/STe (and Falcon for some limited parts) which makes it pretty easy to code a multi-part demo with fullscreens, plasmas, syncscrollers and so forth.

Music players included:
- SNDH chipmusic (ST/STe/Falcon)
- YM3! chipmusic (ST/STe/Falcon)
- DMA-sequence (STe/Falcon)
- YM-8BIT digi-sequence (ST/STe)
- Lance Protracker (STe)

An example "demo" is included with templates for these base effects:

- 320x200 ST-LOW double buffered effects (ST/STe/Falcon)
- 320x200 ST-LOW tripple buffered effects (ST/STe/Falcon)
- 400x273 fullscreen (230 byte lw, ST/STe)
- 400x273 fullscreen (224 byte lw, STe)
- 320x265 screen with syncscrolling (ST/STe)
- 400x265 screen with syncscrolling (ST/STe)
- 320x199 Spectrum 512/4096 display (ST/STe)

 »  Download ST Synclock demosystem v1.0

Syncscroller (4 scanlines)
by Paulo Simoes
The fastest syncscroller ever to be written on the ST. 3 scanlines + syncline!

Coded by Paulo Simoes. Sourcecode and a little demo included.
 »  Download 4-scanline syncscroller

Wizzcat ProTracker replayer
by WIzzcat / Delta Force
Wizzcat of Delta Force's ProTracker replayer. The same player as used in ProTracker ST itself.

 »  Download

© 1994-2025 Dead Hackers Society Contact: Anders Eriksson