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Digital trackers/editors

ACE Tracker v2.00
by Thomas / New Beat
The best soundengine ever on the Falcon with digital voices and synthesizer voices mixed. Very powerful software synth and an easy to use tracker interface. Up to 28 channels.

 »  Download


Audio Sculpture v1.5 beta
by Synchron Assembly
Commercial 4-channel .mod editor from Synchron Assembly (democrew Sync). Features 50 kHz playback on STe and TT.

Works in both colour and monochrome modes.

 »  Download
 »  Download v1.4
 »  Download v1.1
 »  Download v1.0 (incl. mono version!)
 »  Download v0.9
 »  Download SSR hack 1
 »  Download SSR hack 2
 »  Download demo version


DBE Tracker v1.08demo
by ST-Ghost / Sector One
Sector One tracker with support for many fileformats. It can play 32 channels on plain STe and has DSP enhanced replay on Falcon. It can even load modules which are inside archives (!).

 »  Download


Digicomposer v1.0
by Il Profesore and Bitmaster / Istari
A re-hack of Noisetracker 1.02 and adds some vital changes. A small sample editor, STe sound output (although quite poor), low border removing etc.

 »  Download


Digital Home Studio v1.07
by Softjee
A very advanced soundtracker/sequencer from Sofjee in France. Up to 32 tracks with selectable number of polyphonic steps for each channel. Realtime DSP effects, Song->Disk feature and lots more. Full version, thanks to GGN/D-Bug for removing the registration details.

 »  Download
 »  Download demo version


Digital Tracker
by Softjee
The little-brother to Digital Home Studio. Offers alot of what Home Studio does, but at a lower price.

There seems to exist two series of Digital tracker; one earlier shareware and a later commercial. They seem to have reset the version number when it became commercial, so it's a bit confusing.

 »  Download Digital Tracker v1.2
 »  Download Digital Tracker v1.9 demo
 »  Download Digital Tracker v1.0 beta
 »  Download Digital Tracker (shareware) v1.03 beta
 »  Download Digital Tracker (shareware) v2.01 demo
 »  Download Digital Tracker (shareware registred) v2.04
 »  Download Digital Tracker (shareware) v2.15


E.P.S.S. v1.01reg
by Copson / Unit 17
Enhanced Polyphonic Sample Synthesizer (E.P.S.S.) is quite excellent. It is a sample synthesizer with 4-8 polyphonic channels. It hooks itself into Cubase and you can compose the song there and have the audio output from the STe/TT/Falcon rather than via external soundmodules. The replays are well optimized and sounds very good. The work is saved in Cubase as a normal MIDI file and can then be replayed in Cubase or directly in the EPSS control.

 »  Download
 »  Download v0.54 demo
 »  Download 0.53b
 »  Download v0.51


Equinox Protracker STe
by Checksum / Equinox
Protracker .mod editor from Equinox. It is not related to Wizzcat/Delta Force Protracker at all, this is a complete different program. This one looks a bit better than Wizzcats PT, but sounds a bit worse.

 »  Download


Equiox Soundtracker
by Checksum / Equinox
Soundtracker for plain ST by Equinox. Might be the first available soundtracker for ST? A later version with STe audio was released as 'Protracker'.

 »  Download


Esion XLI v1.1
by Wizzcat / Delta Force
A norweigan tracker developed as Esion XLI, and planned to go final as Esion XLII. Well it never happened, and the program changed name to Protracker for version 1.2.

 »  Download
 »  Download v1.0


FlexTrax v0.9
by Thomas / New Beat
A great 4-8ch protracker compatible tracker for the Falcon. It does however add some important changes; realtime DSP effects (reverb etc) on induvidual instruments. The extra features are saved at the end of the file, so a non-flextracker replay will still be able to play the tunes, but without the enhanced effects.

 »  Download


Graoumf Tracker v0.8890
by L.De Soras, Swe / YesCREW, SJX / Vectronix and Lp / YesCREW
32 Channels Hi-Fi quality (16bit/50kHz/Stereo) playback. Complete patterneditor and sampleeditor. This is the Graoumf continued by Swe/YesCREW. Now features highly optimized replay routines from Earx/FUN allowing more channels and multiple replay frequencies to be used.

 »  Download


by Paulo Simoes
A long time project from Paulo Simoes finally got released in 2011. It's a tracker capable of 16 (!) channels on a humble ST. Enhanced replay for STe available and compatible with the Falcon.
 »  Download Hextracker v0.849
 »  Download Hextracker v0.848


HMS Soundtracker
by Esat
A little known and used soundtracker from France. It has a very unusual layout and way of working. But remains MOD compatible.

 »  Download


Hypersound Digital v2.0
by Delphine Software
A commercial three-channel digital editor from a games developer software house.

 »  Download


Madison v1.08 demo
by Bruno Thuiller
A fantastic tracker with huge ambitions. As far as I know, it was never released offically (until now). The program has some incredible work put into it with drumbeat editors (for building sample-loops), sample library editor, sample editor and much much more. You can edit normal 4-channel modules with it, but also 8-Channels with a custom format. Unfortenly this is a demo, and there's no save feature.

 »  Download


Megatracker v0.96
by Simplet / Abstract and Axel Follet / MCS
One of the first Falcon-only trackers to be released. It supports up to 32 voices with 8-bit samples (interpolated to 16bits). The tracker has a somewhat messy GUI, but still original with screen scrolling (downwards) to see all 32 tracks at once.

 »  Download


Noisetracker v2.0
by ?
Recoded completly from v1.x series. Compatible to Noisetracker on the Amiga. Better soundquality and more responsive interface. No STe/Dma sound.

 »  Download
 »  Download v1.5
 »  Download v1.3
 »  Download v1.2


Octalyser v0.96reg
by Code / TBL, Alan F / Reward and Blade / New Core
4, 6 or 8-channel soundtracker for STe and Falcon by TBL, Reward and New Core. 4 channel mode is compatible to Protracker .mod format. It have an external plugin method for replay routines, so you can load the replay that suits best for the occasion.

 »  Download
 »  Download v0.96b
 »  Download v0.90a
 »  Download v0.81
 »  Download v0.5b


Percusssaman v1.2
by Robert Withey
A four channel drummachine. As soundtrackers had made appearenced by this time, it's quite dated and ill-sounding.

 »  Download


Protracker v2.1reg
by Wizzcat / Delta Force
Previously known as "Esion XLi" it was renamed into Protracker. It is a 4 channel .mod composer, very much alike Protracker on the Amiga. 50 kHz multiplex replay on 8 MHz STe. Different versions for ST, STe and TT.

 »  Download
 »  Download v1.3 demo
 »  Download v1.2
 »  Download a Falcon-fixed version (VGA/RGB, 030/040) by Falcon commando


Quartet v1.5 Stereo
by Microdeal
The second "digi" music composer for the ST (first one was "sound machine"). 4 channels, 16 kHz replay. Doesn't use the normal tracker style editing, but notesheets instead. Somewhat confusing at a start. This is the second release with STe stereo sound. Toggle between ST/STe output with F1/F5.

 »  Download
 »  Download v1.0


by Tommysoftware
Probably the first multi-voice digital editor ever on the ST. Features three channel sampled audio at rather mediocre quality. But man, did we have fun with this back in the days! Works in both mono and colour (see screenshot for both).

 »  Download


Stormtracker v1.0
by David Oakley / ASTRASoft
One of the very few (the only one?) GEM-based soundtrackers. File-compatible with Protracker combined with a resolution independent (min 640 width required) interface. Replay rates of 12.5 to 50 kHz.

 »  Download v1.0 (July 25, 1994)
 »  Download v0.81 demo
 »  Download v0.75 demo


TCB Tracker v2.0s
by AN Cool / TCB
AN Cool's commercial soundtracker. It is quite obsolete as it doesn't load/save in any standard format and the replay routines included are not in any higher league. The STe replay sounds like disaster, the normal YM output is better.

 »  Download
 »  Download ST User version
 »  Download v1.1
 »  Download v1.0
 »  Download beta and demo versions
 »  Download v2.0S Swedish Manual from Atari Corp.


X-Protracker v1.0
by Eagle / Sentry and Wizzcat / Delta Force
A rehacked version of Wizzcats Protracker, should be more compatible to Protracker Amiga special effect commands.

 »  Download

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