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Re: 68060 cache flush
Posted by: Coda Apr,12.2006-21:59 

I can imagine when you would want to flush the instruction cache (like when you have self modifying code), but can you give an example of when you would want to flush the data cache? Is this more necessary than flushing the instruction cache?

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Topic Posted by  Date 
68060 cache flush GT Turbo Apr,10.2006-16:25
  Re: 68060 cache flush Coda Apr,10.2006-16:49
    Re: 68060 cache flush GT Turbo Apr,10.2006-16:51
      Re: 68060 cache flush Coda Apr,10.2006-17:12
        Re: 68060 cache flush Peter Apr,10.2006-18:15
          Re: 68060 cache flush deez Apr,10.2006-23:31
            Re: 68060 cache flush Coda Apr,11.2006-07:46
            Re: 68060 cache flush evil Apr,11.2006-21:59
    Re: 68060 cache flush Creature XL Apr,12.2006-19:47
  Re: 68060 cache flush Didier Méquignon Apr,11.2006-12:46
    Re: 68060 cache flush Creature XL Apr,12.2006-20:01
      Re: 68060 cache flush Coda Apr,12.2006-21:59
        Re: 68060 cache flush Creature XL Apr,17.2006-02:27
          Re: 68060 cache flush Kalms Apr,19.2006-02:15
            Re: 68060 cache flush Didier Mequignon Apr,20.2006-12:45
              Re: 68060 cache flush Kalms Apr,20.2006-22:51

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