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Re: 100MHz tricks?
Posted by: hencox Sep,06.2005-13:10 

Peter, that doesn't sound strange to me. I've changed PSU once for the CT60, and it immediately became much more stable, and a few times on my pc with the same effect.

It seems the PSU eventually gets worn out. Even though it delivers the correct voltages and currents when measured using a multimeter, it has somehow lost its efficiency at higher frequencies (below 10KHz) which means that transients at those frequencies go unhindered through to the CT60 causing it to crash.

But to give you my thoughts on why some CT60 may reach >100MHz and others not, this is a combination of the design of the CT60, the 060 itself and heat.

The setup and hold times of the rev 6 060s may vary a lot between processors of the same batch. In the 060 user's manual there are minimum and maximum values that the setup and hold times must meet defined for all its signals (data, address, control). Because the CT60 lacks series termination on all signals, this challenges the setup and hold times more than in a 'cleaner' system and on those 060s which require quite large timing margins this leads to failure. Failure to meet setup and hold time on for example the TA signal (transfer acknowledge) leads to the computer freezing (not even an error message will be displayed).

Heat just makes this worse, because it makes setup and hold time requirements larger. So a cool CPU is always a good start. Trying another CPU until you find one that has small setup and hold margins is another thing to try. But adding series resistors on all signals on the CT60 is too much work...


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Topic Posted by  Date 
100MHz tricks? JoeAtari Sep,03.2005-03:08
  Re: 100MHz tricks? CiH Sep,03.2005-11:09
    Re: 100MHz tricks? Coda Sep,04.2005-00:03
      Re: 100MHz tricks? JoeAtari Sep,04.2005-02:07
        Re: 100MHz tricks? Coda Sep,04.2005-10:43
          Re: 100MHz tricks? Falcon060 Sep,04.2005-22:31
            Re: 100MHz tricks? evil Sep,05.2005-16:30
              Re: 100MHz tricks? Falcon060 Sep,05.2005-23:02
                Re: 100MHz tricks? Peter Sep,06.2005-09:14
                  Re: 100MHz tricks? hencox Sep,06.2005-13:10
                    Re: 100MHz tricks? Peter Sep,07.2005-08:28
                Re: 100MHz tricks? evil Sep,06.2005-12:15
                  Re: 100MHz tricks? cruzito Sep,07.2005-10:06
                    Re: 100MHz tricks? Coda Sep,07.2005-12:04
                      Re: 100MHz tricks? cruzito Sep,07.2005-23:45

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