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Re: MagiC and Papillon 3.04
Posted by: evil May,27.2005-07:07 

You need to convert the image into the standard system colour palette. Programs such as Imagecopy can do it.

1. Options/Screen/Mapping - Set "Palette" to "Screen" and check "Remap palette".

2. Open your image.

3. Rightclick atthe image and select Edit/Change format and go for IMG.

4. Save the file and enjoy your background.

The same can be made with Gemview as well, but it doesn't run with caches on so I'm too lazy to bring it up and describe it the same way..

Anders Eriksson

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No Topic provided desktop May,23.2005-05:57
  Desktop Wallpaper Crash May,23.2005-06:34
    Re: Desktop Wallpaper deez May,23.2005-12:01
      Re: Wallpaper and Picdesk Crash May,23.2005-12:57
        Re: Wallpaper and Picdesk cruzito May,23.2005-18:23
        Re: Wallpaper and Picdesk raphael May,23.2005-21:48
          Re: Wallpaper and Picdesk Crash May,24.2005-11:39
            Re: True color wallpaper? Crash May,24.2005-12:50
              Re: True color wallpaper? Peter May,24.2005-13:27
            Re: Wallpaper and Picdesk Peter May,24.2005-13:29
              Re: Wallpaper and Picdesk Crash May,24.2005-21:03
                MagiC and Papillon 3.04 Crash May,25.2005-04:57
                  Re: MagiC and Papillon 3.04 evil May,27.2005-07:07
                    True Color Wallpaper Crash Jun,02.2005-05:08
                      TC Wallpaper at last! Crash Jun,02.2005-22:04
            Can Jinnee do it 2? Crash Jun,03.2005-08:36

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