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CT60 and related things BBS
Re: CT60 not found
Posted by: Rodolphe May,01.2016-01:21 

Please check the 3 74LVC buffers with oscilloscope and reset button : check that signal on inputs are well on outputs. Some time the 74LVC get a destroyed output and the Flash cannot be seen ! And the CT60 presence test is based on Flash can be read or not : no read = no CT60 !

Check too the flash trace on PCB.

Finally the flash can be defect.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60 not found specter Apr,12.2016-20:48
  Re: CT60 not found instream Apr,14.2016-22:48
    Re: CT60 not found specter Apr,16.2016-03:27
      Re: CT60 not found instream Apr,17.2016-17:05
        Re: CT60 not found specter Apr,19.2016-04:05
          Re: CT60 not found Pad Apr,19.2016-07:44
  Re: CT60 not found Rodolphe May,01.2016-01:21

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