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CT60 and related things BBS
Re: CT60 not found
Posted by: instream Apr,14.2016-22:48 

It sounds to me that you have poor or no connection on one or more pins in the MB expansion connectors, that the CT60 rests on. This can be caused by oxide on the falcon MB pins and/or the CT60 female connectors. Your problem happened to me a few years ago. Vibrations from transporting the falcon with mounted CT60 can cause the pins' surface coating to crack and finally stop conducting. The solution for me was to replace the MB pins completely. Don't remember if I also replaced the CT60 female connectors.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
CT60 not found specter Apr,12.2016-20:48
  Re: CT60 not found instream Apr,14.2016-22:48
    Re: CT60 not found specter Apr,16.2016-03:27
      Re: CT60 not found instream Apr,17.2016-17:05
        Re: CT60 not found specter Apr,19.2016-04:05
          Re: CT60 not found Pad Apr,19.2016-07:44
  Re: CT60 not found Rodolphe May,01.2016-01:21

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