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CT60 and related things BBS
Re: Some news
Posted by: Rodolphe Nov,16.2012-20:07 

CTX60 is the suite of the CT60 + CTPCI.
It is not because you have already bought a CT60 for your falcon that I should not produce other boosters for the people who have a falcon and are looking for a CT60 !
Actually I have 25 names in my list of falcon users that want to buy a 060 booster like CT60 + CTPCI !
Should I think I have to stop and developp a new board for people thjat do not want buy a booster for a Falcon ?
NO !
I will do the CTX60.
And you should understand that making the CTX60 is making a significant part (50-60%) of an other new board running without Falcon.
Actually we can yet find some falcon, so, new people on atari (yes there are new people on atari falcon example a son of a guy who had an atari 20 years ago) should considered !
I should even tell that if Didier would have energy and time, I would like to modify this CTX60 for the great looked MEGA ST : place, bus connector and the better machine atari designed in the great yours of the company (87-89).
For that Didier should patch a TOS 2.06.... eh eh. Maybe is there here a volontary ?

Let think about that : What would be our atari world if the CT60 had not existing...? Who where the hundreds of atari falcon users without the CT60 ??
Support and effort must continue to keep alive our old ATARI machines !!!

CTPCI will be finished before, sure ! EVIDENCE !

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-18:54
  Re: Some news Latz Nov,15.2012-21:17
    Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-21:53
      Re: Some news Latz Nov,16.2012-11:24
        Re: Some news Vido Nov,16.2012-13:22
          Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,16.2012-14:09
            Re: Some news Vido Nov,16.2012-14:17
              Re: Some news Cyprian Nov,16.2012-18:13
                Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,16.2012-18:32
          Re: Some news Rodolphe Nov,16.2012-20:07
            Re: Some news Latz Nov,16.2012-20:34
              Re: Some news JoeAtari Nov,20.2012-04:15
                Re: Some news JoeAtari Nov,20.2012-04:22

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