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Re: Some news
Posted by: Latz Nov,16.2012-11:24 

Sure, i always wondered how you manage all the projects you already support!
My opinion about CTX:
Of course this must be an interesting challenge for Rodolphe as a hardware creator,
if i wouldn't own 2 CT6*+CTPCI+Radeon/USB/Ethernet in my both 19" Falcons i sure
would buy a CTX. But i also know that a new "all-in-one" concept is much more fun than
debugging this really annoying problem with CTPCI and so i'm afraid to be "left alone
in the dark" with my system in the end (well, not actually in the dark because
Radeon is working good). ;-)
I think that Rodolphes announcement let other people feel the same, too.
Perhaps a german proverb helps:
"Do it like a farmer, eat one potato after the other" ;-)

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-18:54
  Re: Some news Latz Nov,15.2012-21:17
    Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-21:53
      Re: Some news Latz Nov,16.2012-11:24
        Re: Some news Vido Nov,16.2012-13:22
          Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,16.2012-14:09
            Re: Some news Vido Nov,16.2012-14:17
              Re: Some news Cyprian Nov,16.2012-18:13
                Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,16.2012-18:32
          Re: Some news Rodolphe Nov,16.2012-20:07
            Re: Some news Latz Nov,16.2012-20:34
              Re: Some news JoeAtari Nov,20.2012-04:15
                Re: Some news JoeAtari Nov,20.2012-04:22

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