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CT60 and related things BBS
Re: Some news
Posted by: Vido Nov,16.2012-13:22 

I think to many people own CT60/63 so there is not much Atari Falcon owners left to buy CTX. Instead of CTX I think Rodolphe should create the whole CT?? mainboard instead of accelerator.

I own a Falcon with CT63, FireBee, Milan 060 and I wont buy another Falcon to upgrade it with CTX. But I would consider buying new CT? mainboard and sell my Falcon with CT63. BTW. if there would be new mainboard is should include also FPGA to upgrade the board with some "hardware" accelerators/decoders for specialized tasks. Offcoures also for the emulation of the other custom chips.

Maybe Rodolphe should consider that.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-18:54
  Re: Some news Latz Nov,15.2012-21:17
    Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-21:53
      Re: Some news Latz Nov,16.2012-11:24
        Re: Some news Vido Nov,16.2012-13:22
          Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,16.2012-14:09
            Re: Some news Vido Nov,16.2012-14:17
              Re: Some news Cyprian Nov,16.2012-18:13
                Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,16.2012-18:32
          Re: Some news Rodolphe Nov,16.2012-20:07
            Re: Some news Latz Nov,16.2012-20:34
              Re: Some news JoeAtari Nov,20.2012-04:15
                Re: Some news JoeAtari Nov,20.2012-04:22

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