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CT60 and related things BBS
Some news
Posted by: Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-18:54 

I tried the jedec CTPCI 1N and rewrited the function and drivers for the anti freeze hardware workaround (supposed deadlock when there are access to the board and dma acces from this board in the same time). Rodolphe added 2 bits used inside an xbios function (pci bios).
The TOS detect this version else use the software workaround (delays) who not fix totally the problem ( USB like Ethernet).
This feature not fix the problem, but sync the freese with the function.
Rodolphe must see the freeze with his 16 channels analyser and an ethernet board (now tos has an internal tcp/ip stack like the firebee). I hope that he get enough time and memory for see the problem and finally found a solution to this never ending story.



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Topic Posted by  Date 
Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-18:54
  Re: Some news Latz Nov,15.2012-21:17
    Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,15.2012-21:53
      Re: Some news Latz Nov,16.2012-11:24
        Re: Some news Vido Nov,16.2012-13:22
          Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,16.2012-14:09
            Re: Some news Vido Nov,16.2012-14:17
              Re: Some news Cyprian Nov,16.2012-18:13
                Re: Some news Didier Méquignon Nov,16.2012-18:32
          Re: Some news Rodolphe Nov,16.2012-20:07
            Re: Some news Latz Nov,16.2012-20:34
              Re: Some news JoeAtari Nov,20.2012-04:15
                Re: Some news JoeAtari Nov,20.2012-04:22

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