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Re: PEP's emulator ports??
Posted by: PeP Oct,21.2012-12:09 

I got rid of SDL from my port, since it cut performance by half (if not more). If you find my port somewhere, I think the Atari-specific parts of the sources are included in the archive. The code is probably pure horror (I wasn't very familiar with C at that point in time), but it does run at 50FPS on the CT60, including sound (only PSG, no FM).

Don't know why the original SDL version fails on the coldfire though, because it compiled and ran out of the box on the CT60.. At least with the SDL version I used back in 2005 or whenever it was.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,14.2012-14:24
  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,15.2012-10:14
    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,15.2012-10:45
      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,15.2012-14:51
        Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,15.2012-18:59
          Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,16.2012-00:30
            Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,16.2012-11:41
              Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,16.2012-21:55
                Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,16.2012-22:28
                  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,17.2012-10:32
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,17.2012-22:46
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,18.2012-00:01
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,18.2012-10:03
                        Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,18.2012-23:32
                          Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,19.2012-10:26
                  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,20.2012-18:50
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? m0n0 Oct,20.2012-22:49
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,21.2012-12:09
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? AtFaCT Oct,24.2012-20:56
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? MadMax2023 Oct,28.2012-13:54

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