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Re: PEP's emulator ports??
Posted by: PeP Oct,16.2012-11:41 

I'm afraid I will receive a public beating now:

1. Sources for some of this stuff is lost. My Falcon harddrive died at this years NAS.
2. No clue where the binaries are. Some people have them. Spread them if you like, I only ported the stuff. I think the Atari-specific parts of the sources are included in each archive, but keep a bucket nearby in case you need to vomit (these were my very first C projects).
3. I don't have an active webpage. I should scrap the old one(s).

btw, I do have a new spectrum emulator in the pipeline; it uses an assembly Z80 core and is suitable CT2, AB040 and possibly the TT (and higher spec machines, of course). It's not as accurate as x128 though. I wrote it out of pure frustration instead of studying for a math exam. It's called ZX Rectum, but it's likely to get a nicer name, since some people might find it offensive.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,14.2012-14:24
  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,15.2012-10:14
    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,15.2012-10:45
      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,15.2012-14:51
        Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,15.2012-18:59
          Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,16.2012-00:30
            Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,16.2012-11:41
              Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,16.2012-21:55
                Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,16.2012-22:28
                  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,17.2012-10:32
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,17.2012-22:46
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,18.2012-00:01
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,18.2012-10:03
                        Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,18.2012-23:32
                          Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,19.2012-10:26
                  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,20.2012-18:50
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? m0n0 Oct,20.2012-22:49
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,21.2012-12:09
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? AtFaCT Oct,24.2012-20:56
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? MadMax2023 Oct,28.2012-13:54

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