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Re: PEP's emulator ports??
Posted by: mac-falcon Oct,17.2012-10:32 

Hi CiH,

would be great to receive a mail from you ;)

Chris seems really to be a name for people who like emulators ;)

And PeP: No problem and no public beating, sure it is bad that the harddisk with the sources died (btw, if you still have it, I know people who could reactivate it even if the electrics died... feel free to contact me) it is EXCELLENT that you wrote (ported) those emulators! I really like them and yes, spending your time with writing emulators instead of learning might be a good idea *lol*

Stay Atari (and emulate the other stuff)!


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Topic Posted by  Date 
PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,14.2012-14:24
  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,15.2012-10:14
    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,15.2012-10:45
      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,15.2012-14:51
        Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,15.2012-18:59
          Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,16.2012-00:30
            Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,16.2012-11:41
              Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,16.2012-21:55
                Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,16.2012-22:28
                  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,17.2012-10:32
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? Chris Oct,17.2012-22:46
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,18.2012-00:01
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,18.2012-10:03
                        Re: PEP's emulator ports?? CiH Oct,18.2012-23:32
                          Re: PEP's emulator ports?? mac-falcon Oct,19.2012-10:26
                  Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,20.2012-18:50
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? m0n0 Oct,20.2012-22:49
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? PeP Oct,21.2012-12:09
                    Re: PEP's emulator ports?? AtFaCT Oct,24.2012-20:56
                      Re: PEP's emulator ports?? MadMax2023 Oct,28.2012-13:54

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