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Re: Upgrade CTPCI
Posted by: Ektus Aug,19.2012-18:56 

Hi Rodolphe!

>I have my last solar roof installation to do the next 3 weeks
>(a big one with 145 modules of 245 Wp = 240 square meters = 35520 Wp of power)...

Nice one. 35kW will drive a lot of our Ataris :)

>After I should have at least one month of home...
>and I will see what can be done with Didier...

Sounds promising. I'm looking forward to testing your fabulous results :)

>My question is :
>Why the second IDE port cannot be used with the falcon one ???
>Is it a problem with HD Driver or with BOOT from Didier ?

Likely it's a problem with missing SCSIDRV support in Boot. But I'm no expert here.

I was even able to boot hddriver from a device on the second IDE port, but the thus loaded hddriver would see only devices on the first port.


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Upgrade CTPCI Kroll Aug,17.2012-23:44
  Re: Upgrade CTPCI Ektus Aug,18.2012-17:07
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI Latz Aug,19.2012-12:36
      Re: Upgrade CTPCI Rodolphe Aug,19.2012-12:49
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI Ektus Aug,19.2012-18:56
          Re: Upgrade CTPCI Latz Aug,20.2012-10:27
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Aug,28.2012-00:55
      Re: Upgrade CTPCI Beetle Aug,28.2012-14:24
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Aug,29.2012-00:32
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Sep,19.2012-01:02
  Re: Upgrade CTPCI Didier Mequignon Aug,19.2012-16:16
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI Kroll Aug,21.2012-00:35

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