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Re: Upgrade CTPCI
Posted by: Ektus Aug,18.2012-17:07 

USB Keyboard is working (well, mostly, I'm missing one key), and network is operational under MiNT and perhaps TOS. But it's not yet 100% stable.

USB mass storage support isn't complete yet. Using both IDE ports simultaneously doesn't work yet, either.

Are there any new TOS versions to test? Especially with enabled SCSIDRV for HDDRIVER to support the second IDE and ideally USB mass storage devices?


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Topic Posted by  Date 
Upgrade CTPCI Kroll Aug,17.2012-23:44
  Re: Upgrade CTPCI Ektus Aug,18.2012-17:07
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI Latz Aug,19.2012-12:36
      Re: Upgrade CTPCI Rodolphe Aug,19.2012-12:49
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI Ektus Aug,19.2012-18:56
          Re: Upgrade CTPCI Latz Aug,20.2012-10:27
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Aug,28.2012-00:55
      Re: Upgrade CTPCI Beetle Aug,28.2012-14:24
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Aug,29.2012-00:32
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Sep,19.2012-01:02
  Re: Upgrade CTPCI Didier Mequignon Aug,19.2012-16:16
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI Kroll Aug,21.2012-00:35

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