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Re: Upgrade CTPCI
Posted by: Didier Mequignon Aug,19.2012-16:16 

Latest versions on my site are :
2.01 for drivers
1.01 for boot
I wait hardware workaround and/or new bits/registers defined for anti freeze for finish next release, I have also some bugs to fix with features added.
Betas 1.02/2.02 are used betwwen 6 to 10 months on the Firebee with the same features, sure there are no hd driver (internal used) and MagiC ;-) But USB drives are valid with XHDI under MiNT.

Actually my software workaound with tempos added for USB and ethernet not solve all problems. For example with my rtl8139 board :
- I use my iPad with VNC server => no freezes.
- I transfer files between my iMac and the Falcon by FTP => no freezes.
- I transfer files between my nas (MyBookLive) and the Falcon => sometimes I get freezes.



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Topic Posted by  Date 
Upgrade CTPCI Kroll Aug,17.2012-23:44
  Re: Upgrade CTPCI Ektus Aug,18.2012-17:07
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI Latz Aug,19.2012-12:36
      Re: Upgrade CTPCI Rodolphe Aug,19.2012-12:49
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI Ektus Aug,19.2012-18:56
          Re: Upgrade CTPCI Latz Aug,20.2012-10:27
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Aug,28.2012-00:55
      Re: Upgrade CTPCI Beetle Aug,28.2012-14:24
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Aug,29.2012-00:32
        Re: Upgrade CTPCI wongck Sep,19.2012-01:02
  Re: Upgrade CTPCI Didier Mequignon Aug,19.2012-16:16
    Re: Upgrade CTPCI Kroll Aug,21.2012-00:35

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