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Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC
Posted by: mac-falcon Dec,05.2011-15:17 

1st: If USB would be solved this would be really excellent!

2nd: Sure the main reason to get the ctpci was to have a higher resolution. But if I only wanted that I´d have waited for the superVidel. Networking was always a big issue and cartridge port is really slow... Personally I don´t want that on a "high-end" atari, not to mention that it is always a risk of short circuit at least when you often move your atari (like me) and the connectors are not that tight... Worst has been that in the early days of the ctpci the ethernat didn´t work with it (why I sold mine... damn... now I want it back really bad :() I think I am not the only one who has the feeling that the ctpci was rushed out somehow just for the competition with the supervidel... it´s a nice piece of harware anyway, but I had those resolutions before (ct60) with the eclipse as well...

But yes, USB would rock ;)

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Rodolphe selling more CTPCI alanh Dec,02.2011-02:13
  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI Beetle Dec,02.2011-15:51
    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI JFL Dec,03.2011-00:58
      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI wongck Dec,03.2011-06:05
        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,03.2011-12:56
          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2149 Dec,03.2011-15:24
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC saulot Dec,03.2011-17:13
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC PeP Dec,04.2011-00:38
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Ektus Dec,04.2011-09:01
              Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC didier mequignon Dec,04.2011-10:59
                Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,04.2011-14:16
                  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,05.2011-11:22
                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Didier Méquignon Dec,05.2011-13:51
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC wongck Dec,05.2011-13:57
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC saulot Dec,05.2011-15:33
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,06.2011-11:00
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Beetle Dec,07.2011-08:04
                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC wongck Dec,05.2011-13:55
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,05.2011-14:59
                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,05.2011-15:17
                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC neurotics Dec,05.2011-20:13
                            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,06.2011-10:09
                              Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC neurotics Dec,06.2011-22:27
                                Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC calimero Dec,17.2011-20:51
                                  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,18.2011-15:20
                                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC JFL Dec,18.2011-23:33
                                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,19.2011-00:25
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC AdamK Dec,19.2011-08:07
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC JFL Dec,19.2011-11:12
                                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Cyprian Dec,19.2011-10:19
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Didier Méquignon Dec,19.2011-13:59
                                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Cyprian Dec,19.2011-16:46
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Rodolphe Dec,26.2011-23:34
                                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC calimero Dec,27.2011-16:09
                                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Rodolphe Dec,26.2011-22:56

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