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Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC
Posted by: Latz Dec,04.2011-14:16 

Just to make it clear:
The CT60 and CT63 in my two Falcons are working absolutely great since the first day,
CTPCIs and Radeons are working good so far, too. Support of Rodolphe (and Didier, of course)
always was friendly and fixes or updates were done in "normal" periods.
Although that i have bought 2 network- and 1 USB-card which are unusable for now,
i'm mainly disapointed that Rodolphe stops the development like this.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Rodolphe selling more CTPCI alanh Dec,02.2011-02:13
  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI Beetle Dec,02.2011-15:51
    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI JFL Dec,03.2011-00:58
      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI wongck Dec,03.2011-06:05
        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,03.2011-12:56
          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2149 Dec,03.2011-15:24
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC saulot Dec,03.2011-17:13
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC PeP Dec,04.2011-00:38
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Ektus Dec,04.2011-09:01
              Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC didier mequignon Dec,04.2011-10:59
                Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,04.2011-14:16
                  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,05.2011-11:22
                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Didier Méquignon Dec,05.2011-13:51
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC wongck Dec,05.2011-13:57
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC saulot Dec,05.2011-15:33
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,06.2011-11:00
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Beetle Dec,07.2011-08:04
                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC wongck Dec,05.2011-13:55
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,05.2011-14:59
                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,05.2011-15:17
                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC neurotics Dec,05.2011-20:13
                            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,06.2011-10:09
                              Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC neurotics Dec,06.2011-22:27
                                Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC calimero Dec,17.2011-20:51
                                  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,18.2011-15:20
                                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC JFL Dec,18.2011-23:33
                                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,19.2011-00:25
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC AdamK Dec,19.2011-08:07
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC JFL Dec,19.2011-11:12
                                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Cyprian Dec,19.2011-10:19
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Didier Méquignon Dec,19.2011-13:59
                                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Cyprian Dec,19.2011-16:46
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Rodolphe Dec,26.2011-23:34
                                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC calimero Dec,27.2011-16:09
                                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Rodolphe Dec,26.2011-22:56

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