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Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC
Posted by: wongck Dec,05.2011-13:55 

I am feeling like Latz.
My two CT63 works great & I enjoy it.
The CTPCI with the ATI cards - 2 x 7000 & 7500 all works well for my purpose.
I am happy with them.

But for sure I lost money because of change in PCI slot format.
I lost a 9250, a USB and a network due to this change in PCI slot.
I have to buy again all these cards with compatible slot.
Now my network card gives CRC error always. So another lost.
Not tested my USB card.

I always think that CTPCI priority was graphics card.
The others were addon due to competition and seems secondary.
With this thinking, I only feel half disappointed.
Sure it's expensive for only a graphic upgrade.

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Topic Posted by  Date 
Rodolphe selling more CTPCI alanh Dec,02.2011-02:13
  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI Beetle Dec,02.2011-15:51
    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI JFL Dec,03.2011-00:58
      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPCI wongck Dec,03.2011-06:05
        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,03.2011-12:56
          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2149 Dec,03.2011-15:24
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC saulot Dec,03.2011-17:13
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC PeP Dec,04.2011-00:38
            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Ektus Dec,04.2011-09:01
              Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC didier mequignon Dec,04.2011-10:59
                Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,04.2011-14:16
                  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,05.2011-11:22
                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Didier Méquignon Dec,05.2011-13:51
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC wongck Dec,05.2011-13:57
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC saulot Dec,05.2011-15:33
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Latz Dec,06.2011-11:00
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Beetle Dec,07.2011-08:04
                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC wongck Dec,05.2011-13:55
                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,05.2011-14:59
                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,05.2011-15:17
                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC neurotics Dec,05.2011-20:13
                            Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC mac-falcon Dec,06.2011-10:09
                              Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC neurotics Dec,06.2011-22:27
                                Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC calimero Dec,17.2011-20:51
                                  Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,18.2011-15:20
                                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC JFL Dec,18.2011-23:33
                                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC MadMax2023 Dec,19.2011-00:25
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC AdamK Dec,19.2011-08:07
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC JFL Dec,19.2011-11:12
                                      Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Cyprian Dec,19.2011-10:19
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Didier Méquignon Dec,19.2011-13:59
                                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Cyprian Dec,19.2011-16:46
                                        Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Rodolphe Dec,26.2011-23:34
                                          Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC calimero Dec,27.2011-16:09
                                    Re: Rodolphe selling more CTPC Rodolphe Dec,26.2011-22:56

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