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Re: ctpci with multiple cards
Posted by: Beetle Aug,22.2010-12:51 

Hello Didier,

what exactly do you mean with "33 MHz boards"?

PCI network cards that support 33 MHz only?
If so, does this mean that some other PCI network cards,
which probably support higher clocks might work?

And, what clock do the PCI slots on CTPCI run whith?
Is it depending on the CTCM setting?

I know, lots of questions...


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Topic Posted by  Date 
ctpci with multiple cards Ektus Aug,21.2010-07:47
  Re: ctpci with multiple cards Didier Méquignon Aug,21.2010-11:23
    Re: ctpci with multiple cards Beetle Aug,22.2010-12:51
      Re: ctpci with multiple cards Didier Méquignon Aug,22.2010-17:24
        Re: ctpci with multiple cards Beetle Aug,22.2010-23:00
          Re: ctpci with multiple cards Didier Méquignon Aug,23.2010-12:43
            Re: ctpci with multiple cards Beetle Aug,23.2010-15:19
              Re: ctpci with multiple cards Didier Méquignon Aug,23.2010-18:00
                Re: ctpci with multiple cards Beetle Aug,23.2010-18:27

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